

  2) If you can kill or seriously damage a tank which is trading with a friendly tank, mark the target and follow with the “reloading” button to show how soon you can hit the target. Experienced players will stay in cover and let you hit it conserving their HP. They attack when the shell lands and often shoot a disabled and disoriented opponent (if there is anything left to shoot).


  3) In case 2 tanks are dueling in close proximity, mark the target about 10s before you are ready to fire to give your ally time to get safe and then mark it again after another 5sec. If they don’t get safe you’ll have to make a tough decision based on your experience, accuracy and shell travel time. In general, I’d advice taking a risky shot ONLY if your ally is going to die anyway OR he is much less valuable than your target AND in both cases only when you have a decent chance of killing the enemy tank. Under and only under these conditions, I consider killing an ally fully acceptable. Make sure you evaluate the chances of your allies correctly. A good 1HP medium player can dance around a tomato for 10 minutes without being hit or rammed once so be sure you take their skill into account (XVM ftw again).





  4) Click the map and press “Help” or “reloading – loaded” to mark what tanks you need spotted but only do so if there is somebody who can actually do it and there is nothing else you can shoot.


  5) Later in the game when a new target gets spotted use “negative” to say you don’t have a shot or “reloading” when you need some time. Also, press reloading when you miss a shot. The last tanks are usually the best players who will listen and adjust their play based on the info you provide.


  6) Click your ally location and press “affirmative” to let the player know you are ready to cover him. The player will usually try to spot and will let you do your job knowing he doesn’t have to take risks while aiming his shots. This is very useful when you have 2 tanks on opposite sides of an obstacle. An experienced player will push the enemy out of the cover and allow you to take a shot when he knows you are loaded and aimed.


  7) Based on your general experience, you can also provide other info for your team. Most players don’t have the time or skill to count enemy tanks. Messages like “5 enemies left, 10 right. Push left.” Can decide the battle but don’t expect the team to always listen and be sure you have the necessary experience first.


  RMB, X and M


  To my huge surprise few arty players use these three keys effectively and some pretty good players don’t use them at all.


  In arty mode RMB is used to look around the map while still aiming at the original spot. This is very useful when reloading to check whether you can hit certain tanks and to search the map for artillery tracers, fallen trees or just to assess the situation. Another thing you should know about is that you can actually press SHIFT while holding RMB. This will keep you aimed at the same location while you can check what’s going on around you, your current barrel elevation (which also tells you the angle of impact), and whether or not you can be spotted from certain locations. Before you release the RMB, you need to move the cursor back where you were aiming if you want to remain fully aimed.


  The X key will prevent your hull from moving when you mouse outside your gun arc. Given the long aim time of most arties it is mostly not the best idea to follow tanks that leave your firing sector if there are other targets in it. I personally only use the A and D keys to move my hull and press X right after I do so to make sure I don’t have to aim twice.


  If you use a big mini-map, disabling it with the “M” key for a few seconds in arty mode is quite helpful when looking at big areas of engagement like Mount Malinovka.


上一篇:12月31日你问我答 88豹在9.6版进入商店 下一篇:你到底有多OP?T-54“初号机”再度被砍


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

