1回顶部 Welcome to the third part of the artillery guide. Today the big topic will be aiming, which might make some of you reconsider the way you click those damn tanks. Before we start, big thanks to those 50+ people who started sending me encouraging messages when the FTR comments got locked. Some even sent gold, which took me totally by surprise and made my Christmas a lot merrier. 感谢各位小伙伴们继续观看火炮讲解第三部分。今天的主要内容为瞄准,而且可能会改变你点向对面的逗比坦克时候的姿势。开始前,先感谢一下50多位在FTR的评论关闭之后依旧来鼓励我的同志们。有些人甚至给我充了金币,让我很惊喜而且过了一个很不错的圣诞。 Sadly, some disturbed players couldn’t handle the guide again. No point mentioning the usual cancer wishes but one guy deserves a special mention. The “special” player award goes to Xensation, commander of IDEAL for 2 days of truly “original” trolling at our own TS. 不幸的是,某些二货玩家依旧对这个讲解十分的不满。一般的家庭问候咱就不提了,就说说里面某个特例。这份特殊的奖励我们奖给Xensation大仙,也是IDEAL战队的指挥官,以表彰他在我们的TS里婊了我两天。 Xen:指南里瞎逼逼什么啊 Xen:说得太特么对了 Xen:死基佬 Xen私信说:死基佬 Xen:喂你个基佬骗子 Xen:劳资爱死你了 Xen:但是你的菊花都被劳资X松了 Xen:继续松着别缩回去啊 Xen:基佬 Xen:你是不是恐同啊不然我叫你基佬你就那么伤心啊 COMMUNICATION 团队交流 Arti drivers should be the most “talkative” players on the team but few really are. Talking to your team sure influences your win rate and many players are happy to work with arty when they realize you are ready to cooperate. Having an ally pull and track an enemy in the middle of your aiming circle is one of the most satisfying moments of playing arty. Due to your long reload and minimal movement you can use the chat and shortcuts more often than others. You also have the best tactical overview thanks to arty view and can see the HP situation anywhere on the map. That said, while you cannot expect your team to always listen or work with you, it is still worth doing no matter how many times you get frustrated. 火炮应该是在战场中交流最多的玩家,只可惜大多数都不是。和队友交谈的确能够影响胜率,而且大多数玩家在意识到己方火炮有配合的情况下还是很开心的。能让你的队友把对面的坦克卡在你的瞄准圈左右可以说是很享受的。由于你的装填时间长得1B而你的动作又要尽量少得1B,所以聊天框和快速指令不是用来摆那好看的。你也是最好的战术观察者,因为上帝视角的确挺便利的,你可以快速掌握地图上任何位置的血量信息。总之,尽管你不能让整个队伍都听你的,为你服务,但是不管怎样多交流肯定不是坏事。 Here is what you can do: 你应该这么做: 1) Always mark your target (“T” by default) about 5sec before you fire. An experienced player will see the marker and stay away from the target. A great player will track the target as he will likely get more xp than if he shot it himself. Sometimes, players can’t penetrate the tank they are facing but they can still track it. If they see your marker they often will. Once again, do NOT expect your teammates not to kill the marked tank and “save” it for you. 1)在你开火前5秒标记一下你的目标(默认是T键)。如果是有经验的玩家,看到表示之后就会躲着你的目标远远的了。一个很好地玩家会一直点亮对方,因为他知道让别人来打要比自己打赚的经验来得多。有时,玩家可能打不穿他对面的坦克,但是他可以点亮对方。如果他们看到你的标记他们就更开心了。还是那句话,不要期待你的队友会对你标记了的目标高抬贵手。 2回顶部 2) If you can kill or seriously damage a tank which is trading with a friendly tank, mark the target and follow with the “reloading” button to show how soon you can hit the target. Experienced players will stay in cover and let you hit it conserving their HP. They attack when the shell lands and often shoot a disabled and disoriented opponent (if there is anything left to shoot). 如果你能够干掉或者重创和己方交火的敌方坦克,标记对方并且跟一个“重装填时间”键,来告诉队友你还要多久能够击中对方。有经验的玩家会保持在掩体中并让你击中对方,以保持血量。他们会在你的重击打残敌人或者使敌人混乱的时候趁虚而入,干掉对手(如果那货还活着的话) 3) In case 2 tanks are dueling in close proximity, mark the target about 10s before you are ready to fire to give your ally time to get safe and then mark it again after another 5sec. If they don’t get safe you’ll have to make a tough decision based on your experience, accuracy and shell travel time. In general, I’d advice taking a risky shot ONLY if your ally is going to die anyway OR he is much less valuable than your target AND in both cases only when you have a decent chance of killing the enemy tank. Under and only under these conditions, I consider killing an ally fully acceptable. Make sure you evaluate the chances of your allies correctly. A good 1HP medium player can dance around a tomato for 10 minutes without being hit or rammed once so be sure you take their skill into account (XVM ftw again). 如果两辆坦克正在缠斗,请在射击之前10秒钟标记对方,给你的队友一点时间来躲避到安全的地方,然后在射击5秒前再次标记一下。如果队友不去的话,那你就要做一个艰难的决定了,决定取决于你的经验,精度以及炮弹飞行时间。总之,除非你的那个队友要死了或者他的价值远小于敌方,而且你能保证一发干掉,不然千万不要冒险。在这些条件下,我才会觉得,哪怕是不小心把队友带走了其实也还不算不好。请保证对队友和敌人的价值再三思考过。一个就剩1滴血的高玩MT可以戏耍一个草履虫十分钟,而且不会被击中或者撞死,所以请把他们的能力表现一块算进去(XVM,盒子,你值得拥有) 对火炮的误解之一…… 红字:火炮闭嘴 红字:火炮你点你鼠标就够了 4) Click the map and press “Help” or “reloading – loaded” to mark what tanks you need spotted but only do so if there is somebody who can actually do it and there is nothing else you can shoot. 点小地图,然后按“需要支援”或者“正在装填-装填完成”来标记你需要侦查哪个地方,但是请确保附近有队友可以做这个,而且别的目标你又打不到。 5) Later in the game when a new target gets spotted use “negative” to say you don’t have a shot or “reloading” when you need some time. Also, press reloading when you miss a shot. The last tanks are usually the best players who will listen and adjust their play based on the info you provide. 5)后期,当一个新目标被点亮,而你又打不中/在装填中,那么请用“拒绝”指令或者“装填中”来表示你需要点时间装弹。战至最后坦克手一般都是最好的玩家,他们乐意听从你并且根据你的状况来纠正他们的玩法。 6) Click your ally location and press “affirmative” to let the player know you are ready to cover him. The player will usually try to spot and will let you do your job knowing he doesn’t have to take risks while aiming his shots. This is very useful when you have 2 tanks on opposite sides of an obstacle. An experienced player will push the enemy out of the cover and allow you to take a shot when he knows you are loaded and aimed. 6)点击队友所在的位置并且按下“同意”来让你的队友知道你正在掩护他们。这样的话其他人可能就会试图去点灯,而不是冒险去炮管子下面慢慢瞄准敌人。当你有两个坦克在对方掩体的对面是个很好的战术。有经验的玩家会在知道你瞄准的时候进攻一边来把对方逼出掩体。 7) Based on your general experience, you can also provide other info for your team. Most players don’t have the time or skill to count enemy tanks. Messages like “5 enemies left, 10 right. Push left.” Can decide the battle but don’t expect the team to always listen and be sure you have the necessary experience first. 7)根据你的个人经验,你也可以给队伍提供一些信息,比如说大多数玩家都不会或者没时间计算敌人坦克,于是你就可以发点信息例如“左边5个,右边10个,快推左路.”来左右战斗,不过别期待你的队伍会所有人都听你的,而且请保证你的队伍里有听得懂你在说什么的人。 RMB, X and M 鼠标右键,X和M To my huge surprise few arty players use these three keys effectively and some pretty good players don’t use them at all. 很惊奇,几乎没有玩家很喜欢用这三个键,有的玩得还不错的几乎都不用。 In arty mode RMB is used to look around the map while still aiming at the original spot. This is very useful when reloading to check whether you can hit certain tanks and to search the map for artillery tracers, fallen trees or just to assess the situation. Another thing you should know about is that you can actually press SHIFT while holding RMB. This will keep you aimed at the same location while you can check what’s going on around you, your current barrel elevation (which also tells you the angle of impact), and whether or not you can be spotted from certain locations. Before you release the RMB, you need to move the cursor back where you were aiming if you want to remain fully aimed. 火炮模式下,鼠标右键可以在仍旧瞄准的时候用来观察地图。当你装填的时候你就可以看看你是否能够击中某辆坦克,以及搜寻整张地图寻找敌人的火炮炮线,倒下的书,或者分析状况。另外一个你应该知道的是,你可以在按下右键的时候按下shift,这样你就可以在瞄准的时候观察周围,你当前的炮管角度(这样就知道你的中弹角了),以及你会不会被在某点被点亮之类的。在你松开右键之前,你需要把光标移回原位,如果你还想保持完全瞄准状态的时候。 The X key will prevent your hull from moving when you mouse outside your gun arc. Given the long aim time of most arties it is mostly not the best idea to follow tanks that leave your firing sector if there are other targets in it. I personally only use the A and D keys to move my hull and press X right after I do so to make sure I don’t have to aim twice. X键能够帮你锁住车体,不会再鼠标移出射界的时候转动你的坦克。如果射界中还有其他坦克,那么追着一个目标出射界明显不是很好,毕竟超长的装填时间乃是火炮手们心中永远的痛。我个人只用A和D键来移动我的车体,然后我会按下X来保证我不需要瞄准第二次。 If you use a big mini-map, disabling it with the “M” key for a few seconds in arty mode is quite helpful when looking at big areas of engagement like Mount Malinovka. 如果你用很大的小地图的话,当需要较大的可视范围的时候,像马利诺夫卡之类的,在上帝视角的时候按M取消掉几秒还是很有用的。 3回顶部 BLIND SHOTS 盲射 A high blind shot hit rate is what makes an arty driver a great arty driver. In public games many players will initially go to a bush of their choice and camp it hard till somebody comes in range. The good news is, an arty shell can get there before they fire their first shot. Give the campers time to get to position and aim behind the bush (about 20m with standard arc). Different bushes have different probabilities of being occupied and also different occupant skill levels. Try avoiding the tomato bushes located mostly within 100m of the enemy base. A few maps have bushes with 75+% hit probability, which don’t get too much blindfire and are considered “safe”. Find them and nuke them. If you take a lot of blind shots during a battle, take a screenshot of your dmg log at the end and compare it with the battle results. Check if you hit, what you hit and consider whether it was worth the shot in order to improve your blind shots in the upcoming battles. 高盲射成功率是早就强大火炮手的必要条件。野队里,很大部分玩家就是找个他们最爱的草丛一蹲,然后就蹲到某人进入他的射界。告诉你们个好消息,火炮的炮弹可以在他们打出第一发炮弹之前就抵达目标。给蹲比们点时间,让他们各就各位,然后就打他们所在的草丛的后方把(正常的火炮弹道差不多在20米左右)。不同的草丛根据不同的玩家水平,后面蹲个坦克的概率也不同。尽量不要进基地附近100m内的草履虫们最爱呆的草丛去。某些图里的某些草丛有75%的可能性能够盲射一发入魂,因为盲射的很少而且被认为是“安全”的。找到那些草丛,然后给草履虫们来一发把。如果你在战斗中打了好多个盲射,在结束之前给你的伤害记录截个图然后和你的战斗结果做个比较。分析下你打中几次,你打中了谁以及这一发值不值,来提升你在接下来的战斗中的盲射能力。 PREAIMING AND TIMING 预瞄和时间 In general, you can’t kill good arty-aware players unless you are preaimed or get extremely lucky. On maps like Mines and Karelia you can be sure to get some shots on mediums lumbering up the medium hill at a certain game time. You should know when you have to stop moving and start aiming your first shots. The same goes for most maps but the probability and efficiency might be lower. 整体来讲,你是杀不掉一个防炮意识一流的玩家的,除非你懂得怎么预瞄而且你还很幸运。像湖边的角逐或则卡累利阿,你可以保证在开局MT一哄而上抢山的时候给他们来一发。你需要知道什么时候你应该站住然后开始瞄准你的第一发。其他的图也有差不多的地方,但是几率和效率就不会那么高了。 In combat, most tanks move in position, aim, fire and reverse. The better the player, the faster the process. Their aiming takes them about 2s (knowing the approximate aiming time helps), which is roughly the usual shell travel time. Therefore, you should fire when the tanks stops and in case of good tier 10 players even before it stops. The tick is knowing where the tank will stop. To predict the spot, generally consider where it stopped last time or where you would stop considering what tank he wants to shoot. A lot of tanks will use the same firing position multiple times if they don’t get penetrated there. I suggest “clicking” about 1 second before I expect the target to stop so that he gets hit during the aiming process. This will often track the target in a partly exposed position and secure the kill. 战斗中,大多数坦克遵循的是移动,瞄准,射击然后再重来的模式。这个过程随着坦克玩家的技术水平增加而变得更快。瞄准时间也许也就2秒钟(知道大概的瞄准时间帮助会很大),这个和炮弹飞行的时间差不多。所以,你应该在最好的那些坦克手停下来之前就射击。瞄准他们坦克会停下来的地方。为了保证精准度,大致考虑下他上次停在哪,或者怎么他会在去打哪部坦克。大多数的坦克都会反复使用同一个位置,如果他们不会被击穿的话。我建议在坦克出现在目标点前1秒钟就射击,这样的话他就能在瞄准的时候被打中一发,这样往往能够在对方站定的时候命中并且帮你队友捡回一条命。 AIMING aka THE IMPORTANT STUFF There are two general ways of aiming at a stationary target (mods aside) – pointing at a part of the target and pointing behind the target. Most players just click on the tanks whenever they can, which is really a bad idea if you are an experienced arty player and not an average one. 瞄准一个静止目标的方法有两个(那个辅助mod不算其中)-把光标放在目标的最中间或者放在目标之后。大多数的玩家只是在能射击的时候就把炮弹急匆匆打出去了,但是如果你想成为一名不错的火炮玩家而不是很普通的一员的话还请不要这么做。 By aiming at the tank itself, you usually aim at the turret as it is usually very hard to aim at the hull in the middle of the tank, which is what you really want to hit. You can accidentally fire right after the tanks has disappeared, which often causes you to target the ground under the tank. Lastly, by aiming at the tank itself you don’t practice the other method, which you actually need in all the other cases. 如果你直接瞄准坦克本身的话,你实际上瞄准的是炮塔,而你实际想要打中的却是坦克的车体正中。这样的话,有时候在坦克消失之后再射击只能打中坦克下面的地面上。所以说,整天只把准星放在坦克上的话,因为你什么都不用干,所以学不到其他情况下需要的特殊的瞄准技巧。 To demonstrate, let’s look at a moving target (see another of my “beautiful” drawings). 下面我画张“美丽”的图来告诉你关于移动目标的打法: Even if you estimate the target position correctly, I’m guessing quite a few of you would aim for the tomato area. Well, not a bad choice if you intend to track the target. If you want to kill it, however, consider the purple area which has a decent chance of hitting the engine deck. Now, this is a hard shot for sure and you’ll be busy leading you shell (left/right) so it really helps if you can set the range (up/down) without much thinking. The correct range depends on the tank height and shell arc so you really can use some experience here. This is why you IMHO should use this “behind the tank” aiming method at all times if you aspire to become a true scumbag master. To simplify: Whenever you are aiming directly at a tank (spotted, unspotted, future location) quit the game, grab your TOG and suffer through a game while making promises you’ll never do that again. 就算你对目标的位置预测正确,我猜你们中的大部分还是会瞄准“草履虫”区域。嘛,首先对移动目标来一发的确挺不错的。不过,如果你想要干掉他,请考虑紫色区域,因为那里可以打中引擎盖。现在,这发绝对是致命一击,你可以专注于是往左还是往右射而不用在往上还是往下瞄准而操心了。正确的射击范围取决于坦克高度以及炮线弧度,所以你可以用一些你的经验了。这就是为什么我天天磨叨你们,如果你们真想成为专业渣比的话,每次射击之前都往后拉一点。总结一下:如果你想直接对准坦克射击(亮了的,没亮的,或者预瞄),那么你还是去开TooooooooooG吧,不然你就会闹心死,然后发誓以后再也不这么打了。 4回顶部 Now, look at the two pictures below. They both show my Bat arti shooting the same Tiger II and were taken 6 seconds apart. OK,来看下面这张图,两张都是战士了我的渣炮是怎么瞄准同一辆护士长,前后只有6秒钟之差。 The blue cross indicates where each shot was aimed. The first one was aimed at the engine deck but hit the tracks instead (blue line) causing damage many would be happy with (wrong). The second shot is aimed behind the tank, far enough to avoid the tracks and penetrated the side armor destroying the tank (right). I chose to aim at the middle of the tank as I would have hit the turret if the shot had been too high and tracks if it had been low. Also, it doesn’t matter if the tank moves or disappears – most shots will hit the side and pen no matter what. This, in my opinion, is how you eliminate most of the arty RNG ending up with decent damage in most games. 蓝色的十字标注了两发瞄准的位置。第一发瞄准了引擎盖,但是只打中了履带(蓝线),造成了成吨的伤害,一本满足(误)。第二发瞄准在了坦克的后面,因为瞄准得足够远所以避开了履带并且打穿了侧甲,摧毁了坦克(正解)。我瞄准了坦克中间,因为我可以打中炮塔,而弹道太低会打中履带。另外,这种方法可以不用在乎坦克是否移动或者消失-大多数的射击会击中侧面并且不管怎样都能穿透装甲。总之,以我个人浅见,这就是大多数游戏里尽量抵消因随机因素而使伤害打折扣的方式。 DIRECT FIRE – ENDGAME 直射-终局 First, let’s talk about the endgame. In most city fights it is hard to get decent shots when there are few (mostly smart) enemies left and they stick to the arti-safe areas. In such situations you should go get them like a TD would. The important thing is you have to arrive before all your allies are dead. A lot of people go too late and thus have no impact on the game. You will almost always have the element of surprise on your side so use it. Few arties arrive in time so players generally don’t expect them to go in TD mode. Aim as much as possible and even take a hit if you can afford it. Note that while other allies are alive, enemies will not use HE against you and sometimes they won’t even notice you. In certain situations it is better not to fire but to take a hit or even die so that your low HP ally can finish the enemy. Make sure to explain what you’re doing and check that you’re not teaming up with a tomato. Here is a nice example of how you can distract the enemy when your friend is going for a rather unconventional kill (yup, he managed to land right on top). 首先咱们先来谈谈终局。在大多数的城市图里很难做到给对方致命一击,因为剩下敌人都比较少(而且多数还比较聪明)并且会呆在防炮的位置。在这种情况下,你应该像TD一样来玩了。首先最重要的是,你必须在你的队友都死光之前抵达位置。很多人都是走晚了,最后在游戏里毫无作为。你能带来的惊喜要素很多,所以请多加利用。只有少数的火炮会在关键时刻到来,所以一般人都不会想到他们会变成TD模式。尽量瞄得准点,哪怕挨一炮,只要不死就行。注意,当你的其他队友都还活着的时候,敌人是不会用HE对付你的,甚至可能会都没有注意到你。在某些特定情况下,不要射击,而是上去扛一炮,哪怕死掉,那样的话你的低血量队友就可以收掉敌人。保证你已经对你的队友解释过你在做什么,并且注意你的队友不是单细胞生物。下面就是一个绝佳的例子,这就是当你的朋友正在用某种非常规方式击杀敌人的时候,你如何吸引敌人的注意力(嗯哼,他决定从高处B下来) 上:如何利用干扰敌人的方法来帮助队友 下:请用HEAT,你必须击中平整的装甲(而非履带部分) When alone, your best chance is finding a bush and using camo net + crew camo + stationary bonus + bush bonus to fire the first shot. If possible try avoiding the usual arty locations and move to a location, from which you can spot the arty locations. Also, some SPGs are able to side scrape. You can’t depend on it but it won me a few 1vs1s and even a Kolobanov’s medal. 当你只剩孤身一人的时候,最好还是找个草丛,然后用伪装网+伪装技能+精制银币+草丛隐蔽来保证先敌开火。如果可以的话,请不要呆在一般的火炮位,找一个可以点亮火炮为的地方。另外,很多火炮是可以玩侧贴的。你不能全靠这个来击杀,不过在1V1的时候还是蛮有用的,甚至可以拿到临危不惧。 5回顶部 DIRECT FIRE – SCOUTS AND OTHER PESKY INTRUDERS 直射-点灯以及那些肉侦的 Last but not least, you’ll have to deal with those pesky scouts and other intruders. Not being in the usual arty spots on certain maps helps. If you see a lot of tomato scouts you can expect an early suicide rush so get behind solid cover and save the shell for the first to come around the corner. Experienced scouts tend to come later and there is not much you can do about them if they find you. Staying close to your team helps but is not always viable. 最后,但是也是同样重要的,你必须跟那些肉侦的和其他突然冲过来的打交道。不去常规火炮位是解决方法之一。如果你看到一大波草履虫开始侦查,你大概可以期待一场早早结束的旅鼠之旅,所以还是找个结实的硬掩体藏起来,保证你的炮弹能够击中第一个冲出拐角的勇士。有经验的眼车会选择晚一点再去点火炮,你被点亮了的话说实话你也做不了啥。和队友靠的近一点能有所帮助,不过不要期待太多就是了。 世间的一切皆事出有因。喷气侦查下个版本就来 When you know somebody is coming, consider using camo or a one-way corner position. Also consider loading AP (if there is time) if it can pen and kill the target in cases when HE would be a gamble. This will often surprises heavy tanks, which often approach head on and don’t expect to be hit for a ton of damage. 当你知道某人正在向你冲过来,可以考虑使用伪装或者只有一边的角落之类的。同事考虑使用AP弹(如果你可以用的话),如果你可以打穿对方并且干掉目标,不然的话还是HE更靠谱一些。这个经常能给HT们带来惊喜,因为他们往往就会冲脸,而且不觉得自己会被成吨的伤害砸死。 If camo fails and there is nowhere to hide. Try to get as close as possible to the enemy and take hits if you can afford it. Many arty drivers “conserve HP” by taking a chancy shot but then die after missing it. Use your HP to buy you aiming/movement time and maximize your chance to hit. 如果隐蔽不够用,而且也没别的地方可藏的话,如果你血量可以抗两发的话,可以试试尽量接近对手。很多火炮玩家为了“保存血量”而提前开火,最后炮弹一歪,然后就没然后了。利用你的HP来换取你的瞄准/移动时间并且将你的机会增至最大。 E25:狗屎运 FV207:这点距离要个P的运气啊亲 When you are the last player on your team some players will hug you to prevent a win. Loading AP in these situations is generally a good idea but will get you reported for cheating. Another thing you should know about is a technique used by VERY experienced players when they put their long barrel in front of your barrel and cause you to shoot the barrel. This usually kills the arty with little damage to the other tank due to difference in armor and distance from the explosion. 当你是队里最后一人,而对方的玩家会合围你,来阻止你翻盘。这种时候上一发AP也许不错,但是可能会导致你被举报作弊(噗)。另外一件事,是很有经验的老司机可能做得,就是他们会把自己的长管子放在你的炮管前面,导致你打中的是他的炮管。这个经常会导致火炮们自杀,却因为装甲的不同以及爆炸的距离导致不能对对方造成什么伤害。 6回顶部 DIRECT FIRE – ELEVATED POSITIONS 直射-站得高射的远 Certain maps allow you to get to elevated positions from where you can snipe enemies below you using direct fire in arti view. This means you will have very good accuracy as well as shell travel time and will penetrate most your HE shells. The key here is knowing when these locations are safe and when you will get spotted. El Halluf D0 hill is a great spot to practice this but certainly not the only one. 某些地图允许你站在高处,利用上帝视角狙击敌人。换句话说这样你就有非常好的精度以及炮弹飞行时间以及HE也能击穿的能力。关键是,什么时候这些位置是安全的,什么时候你会被点亮。埃里哈罗夫D0的山坡就是一个练习的好位置,不过请注意这样的位置不止一个。 MODS AKA THE FLAME SECTION 插件 XVM is a must. The WoT skill range is really wide so picking the right target is crucial. Now before all the unicums start raging, I’d like to add that an arty-aware unicum is really hard to hit and you’ll waste a few shots just to get a minor splash, which is hardly worth it. Some of the good players, however, tend to exploit a single position and thus make excellent targets. XVM不用说,必须的。WOT的能力范围实在太大,所以选好正确的目标是重要的。在大触们开始开无双屠杀之前,我需要跟你们说,有防炮意识的大触是很难击中的,你会浪费你的炮弹,并且只能拿到少数的建设伤害,这个事不值得。某些还不错的玩家,却是站在空地上独撸。这样的才是优秀的目标。 I’d suggest one of the mods that allows you to zoom out a lot to better assess the situation. A good arty player doesn’t focus only on enemy HP but also knows the HP of his allies fighting those enemies. A low HP ally tends to pull enemies out of cover and is worth protecting etc. 我建议各位安装那个可以缩小很多的插件以判断局势。一个好的火炮玩家不会只盯着对方的血量,也知道和敌人搏斗的己方队友的血量。一个低血量的队友会把对方引出来,所以保护他们很值当。 Safe shot prevents you from shooting dead tanks and will save you from a long reload time to time especially when there is another arty player who doesn’t mark his targets. 安全射击防止你打中已经被击毁的坦克,并且能让你避免那些麻烦的超长装填时间,特别是另外一个火炮玩家从来不知道标记敌方的时候。 Now the new Battle Assistant, which provides an alternative view upon pressing “G”, is a tricky one. I don’t find it very useful when fighting mobile vehicles, which is what I do most of the time. I only use it for stationary targets and for some tricky shots around cover, which I’d say is 1 in every 10 shots. I would recommend this to people who have trouble mastering the aiming technique described above or just don’t play arty much. Experienced players are able to imagine this view without actually seeing it and take advantage of the better battlefield overview the standard view provides. In other words, I’d rather know that another tank turned his back towards me than to see what I can already imagine. 另外是新的那个战斗辅助插件,按G就能启用另一种视角,这个很难说。我在打移动目标的时候从来不用这个,也是我干得最多的事。我只用他打静止目标,而且在某些很诡异的射击的时候还是有点用的,但几率不过十分之一。我只对那些对掌握瞄准技术有困难以及不怎么玩火炮的同学们推荐这个插件。有经验的玩家不用看这个视角就能想象到落点,还能拥有标准模式下的更好的战场概观。换句话说,我更想看到其他坦克的菊花已经冲向我了而不是那些我已经能够脑补出来的东西了 As for the different aiming circle modifications, I find it more a matter of personal preference. Some also estimate the shell travel time for you but you can judge this by the distance so I don’t find it very useful. 还有某些瞄准插件,我觉得其实关键还是个人发挥问题。某些插件会显示炮弹的飞行时间,但是你可以用距离判断,所以我不太觉得很有用。 THE END Even though I tried to cover every aspect of SPG gameplay, I still get a lot of questions in game chat the guide didn’t cover. I’ll consider writing more in the future but I need a little break after these 15+ pages. 尽管我想要把火炮的方方面面都展示出来,但是还有很多的问题,各位在在游戏聊天频道里提到的,我没在这边讲出来。我会考虑在将来写更多的内容,但是写完这15页的玩意之后我的确该歇歇了。 Please remember that all the stuff above is not necessarily the best way of playing arty. There might be better strategies I am not aware of and you might even discover them yourself. There is really very little info on playing arty so keep your eyes open and always strive to improve. 请记住,以上的这么一大堆东西并不一定是玩火炮的最佳姿势。可能会有更好的策略方式之类的我没有意识到,这些就要你们自己探寻了。我说的这些也只是火炮的皮毛而已,所以请处处留心,天天进步。 Anyway, take care for now and I’ll see you on the battlefield (from above). 总之,这篇知道就这么完了,希望在之后的战斗中见到各位。 -Tyra [编辑:不详]