12月31日你问我答 88豹在9.6版进入商店
Also, having technical issues in 9.5? Here’s a WG guide of what you might check. Why this isn’t on the first page of the EU portal, I have no idea. 如果你对9.5有技术问题的话,这里是Wargaming的客服网站,你也许会用得到。不过为什么这东西没在欧服官网出现而是在我这出现呢... - in 9.5, the gun marks (rings) were not touched 在9.5中程序猿并没有对击杀环机制做出改动。 - the current Russian peak (last weekend, compared to January’s 1,1 mil) is apparently 850k 目前俄服最高同时在线(相比于1月份的110万同时在线,上周末是今年的峰值。)是85万人。 - skill MM (“leagues”) was discussed and analyzed “more than once”, the conclusion was that it would not bring the incentive to play better 技术分房已经在程序猿中间讨论和分析了不下一次了,最后的结论是它不会激励玩家来让玩家发挥的更好。 - Q: “Implement skill MM and see its results in praxis!” A: “Deal player, you can create your own online game and run experiments on live servers as much as you like!” 问:快实装技术分房,我们要看它实装后的真正效果! 答:亲爱的用户,我是你爹。你可以自己去做个网游然后实装技术分房然后看结果。 - claims that skill MM would improve gameplay “are not based on reality” 那些说技术分房可以改善游戏性的言论肯定不是基于现实的。 - the rumor that Havok was scrapped is false Havok被取消的流言是假的。 - regarding longer tutorial, developers state that in real life, the longer the training, the fewer players finish it. According to developers, there is this strange idea amongst the good players that they were good from the start. Generally, developers will further consider the issue of better tutorial, but making it long is not an option. 关于开发更长一点的新手教程,程序猿们表示在现实生活中如果新手教程越长,尝试做完它的玩家也就越少。程序猿们目前正在流传一个传言,那就是玩得好的玩家他一开始就玩的好。通常程序猿会考虑把新手教程做得更好,而不是做的更长。 - regarding the players skipping tutorial, a WG developer states that he met adult players on meetings who ignored the tutorial altogether, play up to tier 9 and don’t even know what’s aiming and that they should fire only once the aim circle gets smaller 当谈到那些跳过新手教程的玩家时,一个WG程序猿说他有一次见到一个成年玩家都TM玩到9级车了,还不知道怎么区分目标,不知道圈变小了在开火,因为他跳过了新手教程。 - apparently, some players on Russian server found their significant others through WoT, including at least one wedding 一些俄服玩家发现他们在游戏中了解了彼此,其中还有一对情侣在游戏外结婚了。 - both Karl and the Chaffee racing were extremely popular modes 卡尔和霞飞竞速赛这两种模式都非常的受欢迎。 - on RU server, the winter mode will last only 10 days. This is intentional “not to make the holiday mood too common” (SS: they’ll prolong it, you’ll see) 冬季新模式会在俄服待上10天,这是故意不想让节日气息太平常。(SS:绝对会更久的,走着瞧吧。) - the winter mode tanks will use crews “analogical to regular tanks” – after the mode is over, the crews will be moved to barracks. If the barracks are full, the crews will be saved in “buffer slots” and moved to regular barracks slots when the crew space becomes available (like with Chaffee) 冬季模式的坦克会使用和原型车类似的成员,在活动结束后乘员会被转移到军营,如果军营满了他们会在“缓冲区”待上一段时间,直到你的兵营有空间为止。(和霞飞竞速赛相同。) - the option to remove the Winter Mode tanks from hangar before the event is over will not be implemented 活动结束前冬季坦克是不会从车库中被删除的。 - more copycat maps (as in Ruinberg, Winterberg) will not come anytime soon 更多的山地图(比如鲁别克,温特贝格)不会很快加入进游戏。 - developers are constantly working on client optimization, introducing fun modes does not influence this task 程序猿正在努力优化客户端,并推出好玩但又不会影响优化的模式。 - after the winter mode is over, the crews will be retrained to “analogical regular tanks” (SS: that means Mammoth to T110E5, that TD whatsitsname to Foch 155 and the LT crew to LTTB) 冬季活动结束后乘员会被自动再训练到类似坦克上。(SS:猛犸→T110E5,TD“我忘记这货叫啥了”→福三炮和LT→LTTB) - there are no plans at this moment to give Panther 88 limited MM 88豹是不会有分房保护的,哈哈哈。 - Panther 88 will appear in ingame shop in 9.6 88豹会在9.6进入游戏商店界面。 [编辑:不详]