1月7日你问我答 新趣味模式或4月1日推出
2015-01-08 23:12来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
- Evilly confirms that the Winter mode had too much XP and crew XP gain unintentionally, it was fixed Evily确认雪球模式经验收益过高,乘员经验收益也不正常,这个问题已经修复。 - for players that are annoyed by the presence of “fun mode” tanks in their hangar, WG will make a filter so you don’t see them if you don’t want to 对于那些称不想在车库看见“雪球模式”新车的玩家,WG会制作一个新的坦克筛选器,可以选择不显示。 - Evilly invented the Russian names for winter mode tanks-these names between RU and EU are different Evily创造了“雪球模式”中坦克的俄文名字,它们的英文名和俄文名之间并不存在对应关系。 - the winter mode is the first “fun” mode that can be played constantly (SS: as in, players having fun even after longer time) 雪球模式是第一个玩家可以长期玩的趣味模式。 - at first, devs wanted to add respawn to the winter battle mode, but decided not to do it 一开始,开发者想为“雪球模式”添加复活机制,但是最后还是决定不这么做。 - there will be more such fun modes in the future, next one might appear on April 1st 将来还有更多的趣味模式,下一个可能在4月1日来临。 - apparently, SerB wanted to make an April 1st trolling – artillery would heal allies instead of damaging them SerB想在4月1日弄一个大资讯:火炮炸中队友可以帮他们回血。 [编辑:不详]