1月8日你问我答 坦克世界也要牧师职业?
2015-01-08 23:12来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
- a player proposed that hitting “weird” places (like rangefinder, the E-100 roof, hatches etc.) should not cause damage to tanks, Storm states that this is a bad idea, as it would only cause more gold ammo to be used, which is not something WG wants 一位玩家提议击中坦克上一些“奇怪”的地方(比如说测距仪,E-100的发卡,舱盖等)不应该掉血,Storm说这是一个很糟糕的点子,因为会导致金币弹使用量增加,而这并不是WG想看到的。 - Storm is not connected with the 8-bit mode development Storm并不参与8-bit模式的开发。 - regarding SerB’s idea to have arty heal allies with shots even on April 1st, Evilly states that it’s too much to release it on live server, even for a day (SS: Evilly probably has not played World of Warcraft during the zombie invasion, best online event ever) 关于SerB在4月1日给火炮配发治疗炮弹的想法,Evily说这么弄要出事,一天也不行(SS:Evily肯定没有在僵尸入侵活动那会儿玩过魔兽世界,那可能最好的在线活动了)。 - apparently, WG is working on a concept of multiple support classes for the PvE mode, one of which is a healer (SS: and the other might be something replenishing ammunition). It’s not sure (decided) if this will appear on regular servers, another variant is some sort of base, where you could repair and replenish ammo WG正在为PvE模式弄多个职业,其中之一就是“牧师(加血)”(SS:另一个可能是补充弹药的),不过不确定这是否会在正式服上出现。另一个想法是设置一个可以自动补充血量和弹药的基地。 - WG is working on improving the bot AI as well WG正在改善bot AI的表现。 [编辑:不详]