1月16日你问我答 个人任务作弊将被封禁
- Storm insists that the Russian player claim that “the developers don’t play their own game” is crap Storm坚称毛服玩家所说的“开发者们不玩自己开发的游戏”就是瞎扯淡。 - some of the top Wargaming people don’t play, but the lower staff do play more WG的一些高层确实不玩,但是一般的员工玩得还是挺多的 - it won’t that terribly long before all tanks are reworked to HD 将所有坦克重制为HD并没有想象中的那么久 - players, rigging the individual missions will be banned 通过作弊方式完成个人任务的玩家将会被封禁 - Storm states that the public opinion had a lot of influence on the individual missions, some missions were removed or reworked as a result of player feedback Storm称玩家的观点对个人任务有着很大的影响,根据玩家反馈一些任务得到了重制。甚至直接被移除 - developers started to work on HD IS-3 开发者们开始弄HD的-3了 it’s actually possible to use War Thunder tank models in World of Tanks. A player asked whether the Wargaming IS-3 will be as good as the Gaijin model, Storm answered that it will be better, it won’t look like it’s coated in guano 在WOT中可以使用WT的坦克模型。一位玩家再问WG做的高清IS-3是否会和Gaijin的一个水平。Storm说肯定比蜗牛的要好,至少看起来不会像在坦克表面涂了大翔一样 - according to developers, some of the individual missions are very difficult, but the reward is fitting (makes up for it) 一些开发者称一些个人任务确实很难完成,但是对应的奖励也很丰厚 - individual missions can generally be completed only on tier 4 vehicles and higher 总体上说,玩家只能开4级及以上的的坦克以完成个人任务 - there are no plans to sell “tokens” for uncompleted individual missions (the way it was for WZ-111) 对于那些没有完成的个人任务,玩家是不能通过购买令牌(就像外服买WZ-111那样)来跳过的 - it’s not possible to “save” the choice of nationality for the girl crewmember for later when you know, what kind of crew you need 女性车组的国籍一开始就定好了,而不会让玩家根据自己的需求自行确定 - if you have no slots for girl crewmembers in the garage, it’s okay – you’ll apparently get a temporary free one like with other crews 如果你兵营里没有床位以接收女性车族,这没问题,依照惯例她们将会和其他成员一样你可以免费得到几个临时床位 - there’s no time limit for individual missions 个人任务没有时限 [编辑:不详]