坦克世界火炮地图指南 第一篇之黑暗沼泽
today, we are starting another guide series by Tyraforce, aimedat artillery. This series will help you play better on specific maps. First togo is the Swamp. Enjoy! 今天我们开始Tyraforce的第二部火炮指南系列。这部分将帮助你了解如何在具体的地图上玩好火炮。首先是黑暗沼泽。来,走着! Author: Tyraforce 作者:Tyraforce Welcome to part one of the ArtilleryMap Guide, which is an expansion to the general Artillery Guide,which can now be found at the forums. The plan is to go through most WoT mapsand show you some suggested initial locations, relocation possibilities,conditions and focus zones. We will focus on typical scenerios for high tierbattles so if you already are an experienced arty player who relocatesintuitively, this guide will be of little interest to you. As for the creationprocess, we are currently a team of 6 arty players pooling our experience inhope of making this guide as complete as possible. Should you be interested inhelping us with the next parts, feel free to contact me. 欢迎来到火炮地图指南第一期,基本上来说就是概论指南的拓展内容,如若若需要读概论请戳之前的QA(12.16,12.21以及12.31)。计划是将大部分常见的WoT地图上的初始走位,转移路线,条件以及目标位置告诉大家。我们主要讲解典型的高等级战斗所以如果你已经是一个熟练火炮玩家而且已经学会怎么转移,那么这篇其实对你来说用处不大了。在制作本文的时候我们有6个火炮玩家一起组成了一个小队,汇集我们的经验来使得这篇指南尽量完美。如果你希望能够帮助我们的话,请不要害羞,联系我(Tyra)就可以了。 DISCLAIMERand BASIC INFO 免责声明以及基本信息 The drawings reflect typical tier 8+ random battles and aredesigned for SPGs with the usual shell arc (not the GC and FV304). Do notexpect these maps to cover all the battle developments and consider notfollowing this guide whenever the battle develops in an unusually way orwhenever you come up with a better idea. 以下的图片都展现的是8+级别的通常弹道火炮的野队随机战斗(GC和304是论外)。以下这些地图并不能包含所有的战斗发展,当战斗进展非常规的时候或者你有更好的意见的时候请勿遵循。 • The circular areas represent possible arty locations where the green are safeand the red ones are not recommended for certain reasons. 画圈的地方展现的是可能的火炮位置,绿色的是安全的而红色的则是因为某些原因不推荐的 • The killzones are marked blue with the darkest being the most important. 蓝色部分为集火地带,越深表示越重要。 • Tomato zones are low priority areas frequently visited by bad playerswho are about to die anyway. S13地带(Tomato zones)为低优先级地带,表现糟糕的玩家反正怎么着都会死,不如放着不管 • Camping areas are of low priority unless your team is pushing that particulararea. 蹲坑地带(Camping areas)同样是低优先级地带,除非你的队伍正在试图向那个方向推进 • Important firing angles are marked with black lines 重要的射击角度会以黑线标出 • The guide will not provide screenshots of exact locations as that would get alot of us countered. 指南是不会以截图来标出具体位置的,以免造成被反 • If you want a certain map covered, please let us know in the comments or youcan suggest it in game, kinda like this: 如果你想知道某张地图的具体位置,请去FTR本体里的文章回复或者去欧服找我(Tyraforce),就像这样: I:劳资恨死黑暗沼泽了 C:没人喜欢这图233333 A:就是炸比也不喜欢吧hhhhh (上面这个就是火炮热点地图 紫点代表火炮出没的地方 略瞎眼 请用电脑浏览器查看www.vbaddict.net/wot/heatmaps/heatmap_swamp_ctf_spg_201402.png) Looking at the heat map above (it shows where tanks go, notwhere HEAT is spammed), the only 2 positions worthy of some blind shots areagain the 2 areas behind the spawn, where a lot of people camp in the 2 bushesby the small rocks. The base camping areas offer too many spots to provide highchances of hitting the unspotted campers. 请看上面的这张地图(表示了坦克的行进方向,并不是随便给你画的东西),只有两个地方是很值得盲射的,就是出生点后面,在小石头后面的那两个草丛。基地附近的区域也能给你很多的机会,让你打中没有亮的蹲比们。 SWAMP– south 黑暗沼泽-下方 EARLY PHASE 前期 At the start of the game make it to your base even if you are in a very slowarty. Don’t stop and shoot as the area you’ll be crossing can get dangerousfast if enemies go middle. Do not make the mistake of being lazy and going tothe position A. It may seem solid but if the enemy start pushing, it is thefirst area to fall and you cannot even defend it when sitting in it. 在好戏开场后,就算你这火炮跑不过乌龟也不能在原地蹲着。千万不要停下来射击什么的,不然很容易被从地图中间穿过来的眼车威胁到。不要因为犯懒而犯错,径直跑向A点什么的。那个地方虽然看起来很靠得住,但是当敌人开始推进的话,那个位置会是第一个沦陷的,那个时候你根本没有机会在那个位置防守。 The base position C is truly big and safe so there is no need for sitting in/neara bush or crater. If a tank makes it there the game’s probably over anyway.When looking for the exact spot, check that you can shoot at killzone 4. Thebase area can cover all the marked areas except 2,6 and A. Avoid positions E(limited shots) and B (spotting risk). C位置十分开阔且安全,所以你不需要蹲在某个草丛或者掩体之后。如果那个地方都要沦陷了那估计你们也要输了。当安置下来后你可以向杀伤区域4射击。基地区域可以照顾到全图,除了2.6和A区域。请不要去E区域(会阻碍射击)以及B区域(容易被点亮)。 As for early damage, the first spots are likely to be near thesouthern bridge, which are of low priority however. If your team pushes thenorthern bridge, you should definitely support it starting with shots atkillzone 4, then 1. 在前期,首亮通常会在南边的桥附近,但是其实优先级并不高。如果你的队伍推到了北边的桥那边,你更是必须开始协助他们射击杀伤区域4,其次是1. MAIN PHASE 中期 In most cases all who have crossed the bridges are dead and both teams camp theline D and G ridges. Consider moving east to the little ditch running along thesouthern part of the map. This will give you good shots at killzone 5 includingits left part surprising those who consider it “arty-safe”. You can still coverkillzone 3 balcony and more importantly counter pushes through killzone 2 andlocation A, which is the usual route of attack, which usually pauses inposition A to exchange fire with the H4 corner campers. Countering this pushshould be your top priority. 这个时候,大多数情况下,过桥的冒进者都已经死翘翘,而剩下的人都会蹲在D线和G线附近。可以考虑沿着地图的南部向东边走进河道,这样的话你就可以给杀伤区域5里那些觉得这个地方是个防炮位的人一个大惊喜。而且你还可以掩护杀伤区域3平台上的人,甚至还能对进攻杀伤区域2以及区域A并且与蹲在H4角落的蹲货交火的敌军进行反击,顺带一提这也是对方常用的进攻路线之一。反击的优先级最高。 LATE PHASE 残局 Depending on the direction of the enemy push, consider relocating back to basefor more protection or stay in the ditch from where you can cover lines 1 and2. If your team is pushing, your priority should be killzone 6 followed by the twocamping zones. To hit area 4 either move north to position E or all the way toK7/8 where you may get side/rear shots at tanks backing of around the D7corner. The choice depends a lot on which position is safer at that moment. 看敌人会从哪边推进,考虑返回基地寻求更多保护或者是继续留在河道掩护1,2线。如果你的队伍正在进攻,你应该优先攻击杀伤区域6里的敌人然后是两个蹲坑区域的人。若要攻击区域4你可以向北移动到E区域或者直接去K7/8,这样你就可以打到位于D7角落的坦克的侧后了。选择不定,但是最主要还是要考虑哪个位置是更加安全的。 EXAMPLE 1 – BREAKING THE CAMP 例1-打破蹲坑 Here you can see a battle 5 minutes before it ended with a draw. Our team ispushing with E3s from the south and is fighting for the northern bridge. OurConqueror GC is a green player, however, he decided to stay in base till theend dealing sub 2k damage in total. Moving to K8 between shots would have beenperfectly safe and would have allowed him to take shots at the two areas markedin the picture thus winning the game for us. (I was in 268 and couldn’t do muchabout the situation.) 这里你可以看到,还剩5分钟这局就平了。我方由E3为主导从南边并且北边也有战斗。我们的征服者GC虽然是个绿人(WN6效率1000-1200 WN8:1200-2000的人),但是,他决定呆在基地里,最后也没打出超过2K的伤害。移动至K8的话他会不止是安全也能打击到如图所示的两个位置,这样的话我们就能赢了(我只是个268,这种情况下是做不了什么的) EXAMPLE 2 – EARLY DAMAGE & STOPPING THE ATTACK 例2-前期伤害以及阻挡进攻 I will try to include replays when I can. I’m playing a lot more arty now toget some material as I had very few arty replays saved before I started theseguides. These will not necessarily be some epic 10k damage games but willdemonstrate certain points I made in the tactical section above. 我会试着搞一些录像文件来。我在开始写火炮指南后完了很多局火炮,因为我在写指南之前没存下几个火炮录像。这些录像不是次次都是10K伤害的史诗级战斗,但是可以证明我在战术环节上的某些观点。 视频(需要爬 墙) http://www.youtube.yzz.cn/watch?v=TySHBYzMS08 录像(坦克世界录像,你们懂的) http://replays.quickybaby.yzz.cn/result.php?id=73289 SWAMP– north 黑暗沼泽-上方 EARLY PHASE 前期 Again, you have to go to the base (A) as position E sucks hard. However feelfree to stop on the way for some early damage if the enemy cross the northernbridge. The initial northern push can actually be successful so make killzone 1your priority. You will also have limited shots at the western part of killzone2, but 1 should still remain your priority as killzone 2 poses no immediatethreat. 还是那样,你需要去基地附近(A)因为E附近不是人呆的。不过你可以在移动的过程中停下来对着从上方的桥穿过的敌人打一点伤害。请优先打击进入杀伤区域1的敌人。你也可能在杀伤区域2附近层一点伤害,但是区域1仍旧是最重要的杀伤区域因为区域2的威胁并不是很大。 MAIN PHASE 中期 Your first priority should be stopping any northern push through position C. Todo this hug the northern edge of the map which will give you some very accuratefrontal shots at the advancing heavies. With the north clear, proceed toposition B or even C which both give you good shots at killzone 4, which isyour next priority. Your push usually happens over the northern bridge so getready to nuke the F1 campers. 第一任务肯定是阻止从上方进攻的敌人穿过C区域。为了做到这一点靠着地图的边是十分有利的,会让你的射击对高级重坦更加精准。上方区域净空之后移动到B甚至C,这样就可以射击杀伤区域4,也是你的下一个重点火力覆盖地区。你方的进攻经常在北边的桥附近发生所以请准备好打击F1的准备。 LATE PHASE 残局 Once again, swamp provides stronk camping opportunity and enemies often holdkillzone 3 and the base till the time runs out. At this point you should be inposition C, which provides excellent side shots into the base campers. Incertain very rare situations the usually dangerous position F by the southernbridge is viable and gives you perfect shots at the vital “arty-safe” killzone3. 还是老样子,黑暗沼泽这张图里有一大堆蹲坑的机会而且敌人通常会守住区域3而且基地通常也会不保。这个时候你应该去区域C,这样你就能打到那些蹲在基地附近的敌人了。除非特殊情况,F区域都是很危险的,因为下方桥附近的敌人会看到你并且从区域3附近给你致命一击。 THE END That’s all for today, I’ll see you in Himmeldorf in about 2 weeks. 今天就这么多,下一篇是锡城,应该会在2周内发布。 As for feedback, note that the “I hate arty”, “arty ruins the game” and “artyneeds no guides nor skill” topics have been quite exhausted in the ~1k commentsso far. I’d much rather get feedback from the people who actually find thisuseful as to what could be improved in the following map guides. Thanks forreading. 注意在反馈里,那些“我恨火炮”“火炮毁了这个游戏”“火炮要尼玛什么指南什么技巧啊”之类的内容在近一千多的回复里都是没用的。我更希望收到那些觉得这篇指南有用的人的回复,因为这样能让以后的指南也能够进步。最后感谢各位的阅读。 [编辑:不详]