女王系玩家成大输家 免费的FV4202落空
Hello everyone, 炮友们大家好 Russian channel WoT Fan brought a video with the upcoming tier 8 premium British MT, FV4202 (that will in the future be replaced by Centurion Action X, but don’t expect this to happen anytime soon). 毛子的wot粉丝频道放了一个关于以后的英国八级金币MT,FV4202的视频(在未来它会被百夫长Action X替代的,但别指望这事会很快发生)。 The most important piece of news is… there will be no free FV4202 for current tier 10 FV4202 owners. Those, who have the FV4202 currently, will simply get it replaced with its successor. This channel is officially supported by Wargaming (it’s a sort of video outlet for WG RU), so yes, this is most likely legit. Well, shit. 当然了,最重要的信息是…现在的10级FV4202的拥有者们不会有免费的金币车拿。 那些现在有FV4202的到时候只会有一辆用于替换的车而已。这个Youtube频道是被WG官方所支持的(这个频道算是某种WGRU的视频宣传),所以没错,这个信息很有可能是正确。哎,我日。 The vehicle according to video has following characteristics: 根据视频的说法,这辆车的数据如下: 重量: 44,75吨 发动机: 510马力 推重比: 11,39马力/吨 车身转速: 40°/秒 极速: 35 km/h
血量: 1400 车身装甲: 50/50/31 炮塔正面装甲: 170mm 视野: 390m
主炮: 20pdr 均穿: 226/258/102 均伤: 230/230/? 瞄准时间: 2,6s
百米散布: 0,35 俯仰角: -10/+20 炮塔转速: 36°/秒 [编辑:不详]