
1月18日你问我答 俄服确认个人任务多个BUG

  - Russiansupport service confirms that HT15 mission is bugged (one of the elements ofthe equation apparently does not count)

  - 毛子方面确认,个人任务HT部分的第15个任务有bug(其中一个要素没有被算进来)。

  - Storm confirms that the AMX-50B in HD doesn’t have the green weakzones on frontal plate (the armor models that were leaked earlier were incorrect)


  - HT11 mission is also bugged – it will not complete even if your tracks are damaged, it will be fixed


  - the same bug as above applies for other missions as well, such as TD2


  - new premium tanks will be implemented “in near future”


  - awarding the girl tankers and tokens needed for StuG IV (specifically, for SPG mission branch) is bugged, WG is working on it


  - there are some mods (SS: obsolete XVM?) that make your client show incorrect IM parameters (they make you see the conditions from 9.5 test, not the final ones), be sure you have the mods updated or remove them

  - 有一些插件(SS:旧版XVM?)会让你看到错误的个人任务数据(看到的是9.5测试时候,不是最终版的),所以看看你是否需要更新或者删除插件

  - platoons in IM’s a bad idea? “Those are the conditions in the missions. It’s your right to complete them – or not. And yes – EVERY player has the possibility to play in a platoon”

  - 在个人任务里加入组队是个馊主意?“这些任务是有些条件的,你有权利做或者不做啊。毕竟每个人都有组队的可能性的”

  - in order for the girl crew special perk to activate, the crew has to consist entirely of women

  - 为了激活妹子成员的特殊技能,你需要整个车组都由妹子组成(姬友连)

  - IM vehicles do NOT have increased profitability, they are not premium tanks, but reward tanks

  - 个人任务的奖品车并没有加强过的打钱能力,他们不是金币车,是奖励车

  - MT12 description is incorrect, in it you personally have to kill 3 vehicles, not the entire platoon


上一篇:坦克世界9.6版本:超测服高清模型前瞻 下一篇:坦克世界1月19日你问我答 WG正考虑移除百运


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

