2015年日系重坦线前瞻 设计图最新曝光
Type 120 O-I – the blue line, size comparison with T34 (green) and KV-5 (red). 120式O-I战车:蓝色轮廓。绿色为T34,红色则为KV-5 Type 100 O-I – the red line, in comparison with Soviet T-39 heavy 百式O-I战车:红色轮廓。蓝色为苏联T-39坦克 Type 95 Heavy – the blue line, in comparison with Soviet T-28 95重战:蓝色轮廓。红色为苏联T-28坦克 To that end, to find out what’s going on, I contacted Daigensui, who was working on the previous Japanese line with Wargaming. The problem with Japanese heavies is that info on them is notoriously hard to find – Daigensui for example claimed that the scale on Type 120 was off. Additionally, as far as she knows, no new data have been found. That leads me to following conclusions: SS联系了协助WG完成日本线的Daigensui。据称日本重坦存在的最大问题就是相关资料太难找,比如说Daigensui说关于120式战车的比例尺就不清楚。除开Daigensui所知道的意外,关于日本的重坦就没有更多的发现了,这使得我得出以下结论: - since Yuri Pasholok reconstructed the O-I drawing, Wargaming found some new materials on their own. Unlikely (they have been attempting that for years), but theoretically possible. 鉴于Yuri已经复原了O-I的图纸,WG也自己找到了一些相关资料,虽然这个消息的可信度存疑(都收集了好几年了),但是理论上是可能的 - they just took some very basic known dimensions (my guess: the dimensions of the 150mm O-I gun) and “reconstructed” the rest based on them, which means that the line might not be exactly historical. 他们可能只是采用了一些广为人知的尺寸数据(SS:我猜可能是O-I坦克的主炮口径为150mm)然后自己脑补了余下的部分,这可能意味着这条线可能并不那么历史 - tier 10 was already announced by SerB a long time ago, not exactly a well-researched design either. SerB好早以前就讲过10级HT的,不过关于这个设计资料同样不是很多 My opinion is that the tier 9 and 10 tanks will almost certainly be 80 percent made up (100 percent if you do not consider a vague Russian report on Japanese heavy tanks based on Japanese hearsay a reliable source). Oh well, at least they look cool. SS的观点是9级和10级有80%都是出自SerB的创意(如果考虑关于那份毛子关于日本HT的报告只是道听途说的话,这一比例很可能升至100%),嘛,至少它们看起来挺酷 [编辑:不详]