转帖自ST战争学院Watanabe_Mayu贴 前几天的老资讯,看到没人翻我就拿来献丑了 原文 WOT development team has been working on solving the "tracer effects problem". And here go the first results: shell tracer effects with some modifications are available now. The tracer effects of allied vehicles and detected enemy tanks are displayed. The change has been applied during the scheduled server restart on May 31st. We remind you that modified game files providing in-game advantages to their users are subject to punishment according to EULA (Except as otherwise expressly permitted by applicable law, any reproduction, distribution, modification, retransmission, publication, or other use or exploitation of the games, the Website and/or any of the materials (or any portion or derivative of any such items), directly or indirectly, is strictly prohibited unless the written consent of the applicable copyright owner or relevant sublicensor (if any) is first obtained). World of Tanks development team --------------------------------鸟文分割线------------------------------ A 新炮弹轨迹系统在上月31号服务器重启后启用 B 仅可见盟友和被发现的敌人炮弹轨迹 C 任何有违游戏公平性的文件mod一旦被发现,玩家将遭到惩罚 P.S:以前不依靠mod也能反制spg的老鸟可以找一块豆腐或者一根面条 以下为转帖者的抱怨:我擦叻让我这个反制的家伙怎么活啊~,虽然也就能安逸的原地开炮了╮(╯_╰)╭ [编辑:莫下雨]