WOT9.0版本消息 T57和Foch155将被削弱
2013-09-23 15:01来源:网络发布者:yi︶曲゛流年新手卡|游戏下载
Veider Q&A I normally don’t steal forum posts, but this is something I wanted to do yesterday already. Kept it for today, because I didn’t have that much time, but it looks like someone did beat me to it. Enjoy! There was a RU-stream today with veider (~1hr30mins) where questions regarding balance and future changes were answered. This is a transcript/translation from the Russian language. Expect lots of grammar mistakes. I’ll try to make it as short as possible. Doesn’t include troll questions and answers. SS:我一般情况下是不会偷摸的转载人家的文章的,不过有时候也会,比如昨天,一直到现在,但次数不多的。这有一个俄服论坛的视频链接,大概1分30秒,关于车辆的平衡和未来车辆的一些变化的问答。这是俄文的翻译,肯定会有很多的错误,我尽量做的简短,去掉一些随意的问答。 NERFS AND BUFFS:削弱和增强 1. T57 Heavy and Foch155 will NOT be nerfed in the next patch (0.8.9) but they will be nerfed in patch 0.9.0. T57 Heavy 和Foch155 不会在0.8.9版本,但会在9.0. 2. KV-1S will not be nerfed in the nearest future, but devs are considering splitting it into two separate tanks (OP, probably KV-85 and KV-122). KV-1S近期不会削弱了,不过开发组考虑把它拆成2辆车。(KV-85和KV-122) 2. A lot of tanks will be buffed in the next patch, but all of them are mid-tier. Don’t expect any T9-10 buffs. 很多的车辆会在下个版本加强的,不过都是中级车,没有高级别的9级和10级车加强。 2. Medium tier arty will get a slight buff. 中级别火炮会有轻微的加强。 3. VK 4502B may get a buff, but don’t expect that to happen anytime soon. VK 4502B (小老鼠)会许会加强的,不过也不会很快。 4. Tanks that will NOT get a buff: AMX 50B, AMX 13 75, T95, T43, Jagdtiger, JgTig 8.8 (regarding Tiger II chasis buff/nerf), KV-5, Maus. 以下 车辆不会得到加强:AMX 50B, AMX 13 75, T95, T43, Jagdtiger, JgTig 8.8 (regarding Tiger II chasis buff/nerf), KV-5, Maus. 5. Regarding IS-3 remodel, its armor won’t be worse. In fact it will probably be a bit better because of the angles. Also, the tank will be higher. The previous screenshot that you all saw is a work in progress. 关于-3 的模型,装甲不会差。事实上由于角度的原因,它或许会更好。还有,车身也将高点。关于它的情况之前发布的图片你们应该看过的。 [编辑:nak]