
1210你问我答 TD党福利巴顿比STB-1要强

2013-12-10 11:36来源:网络发布者:佚名新手卡|游戏下载
2.坦克世界8.10消息 日系线8-10级车图赏
3.坦克世界8.10补偿内容 各系坦克小整合
4.坦克世界8.10更新内容 苏系9、10级新车

   - Object 430U will not appear as the unlockable hull of Object 430 (SerB states they are quite different tanks)

  Object 430U不会作为Object 430的可选车体(SerB说它们差异很大)

  - T-64 is quite a different tank from Object 430, Object 430 has -5/+16 depression

  T-64 相比Object 430 也不一样,Object 430 有 -5/+16 的俯仰角

  - the point of view in sniper mode is from the point where the shell trajectory path originates


  - the only thing calculated during the shell flight is its “point of existence”, not physical parameters: that’s why a shell can actually pass through a hole, that is theoretically smaller than the shell in real life

  炮弹飞行期间只有它的“point of existence”(实体点,存在点;炮弹是一个点,不是一个有体积的圆柱体)是被计算的,而非物理参数:这就是为什么炮弹能够穿过一个小洞,而这个小洞从理论上来说比现实中的炮弹还小。

  - when firing arty, when you aim at a discovered enemy tank, the trajectory is automatically compensated to end in that enemy tank, but when you aim at a spot you know the enemy tank is, but the tank itself is not lit up, the trajectory will aim at that spot on the ground


  - whenever an enemy tank is destroyed, all tanks in the team recieve small additional bonus XP, this however doesn’t happen when the enemy tank drowns, or is destroyed by falling


  - Ke-Ho (Japanese tier 4 LT) will recieve battletier 4-6 MM

  日系4级LTKe-Ho 将会有战斗等级为4-6的分房

  - Russian players are whining about STB-1 being OP, Veider states that Leopard in fact has better camo, better maximum speed, is more agile and more accurate, has better aim time and better accuracy bleed from turning the turret, carries more ammo and has better depression

  熊孩子们开始抱怨 STB-1 太厉害,Veider说 实际上豹式有更好的隐藏,更好的极速,更好的灵活性,以及更好的精度,还有更好的移动射击,载弹量多而且俯角也不错。

  - furthermore, Veider adds that STB-1 doesn’t have that much armor and has devices sticking out, reducing its camo factor


  - Veider states that when comparing STB-1 and Patton, Patton has better engine, better terrain resistance, more viewrange, more HP, better accuracy on the move, better aimtime, better elevation and generally better armor

  Veider说当比较 STB-1 和 Patton,巴顿有更好的发动机地图适应性,视野,血量,移动射击,瞄准时间,仰角和装甲。

  - Port is removed because the map is imbalanced


  - it’s “too soon” for KV-1S nerfs

  KV-1S 的削弱不会太快

  - FPS drops on the test is a combination of a bug (something with track effect settings) and of some unoptimized elements



上一篇:1209你问我答 8.10将改变C系金币车颜色 下一篇:1211你问我答 香格里拉地图将要被移除


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

