1211你问我答 香格里拉地图将要被移除
- there will only be one map in 8.10 (the Japanese one), despite of the rumors of two maps arriving 虽然之前传言有两张新地图,但其实8.10只有一张日本地图。 - Storm states that when it comes to the Port map, they can’t just “add 200 meters of map length”, that would equal complete map rework Storm:话说重制钢铁丛林,这可不是把地图延长200M就行的,这得来一次完完全全的重制 - Foch nerf will “come later”, it was postponed to “new year” 嗯,我们会砍福煦,不过这是“新年”的事 - Object 140 will not be removed from the game Obj140不会从游戏中消失的 - the fate of gold ammo has not yet been decided 金币弹的未来命运??? 还没决定好呢 - developers will not remove (limit) the gold ammo on te♂st server, because it’s not easy to do (would require developing mechanism for that) and because players would then whine that they want the same thing on live server 毛子不会移除&测试服金币弹(或者限制数量),因为这并非易事,再一个,要这样做的话,玩家会不满的(担心正服也这样) - Veider commenting on players whining about the Maus 2 degrees turret rotation buff being too small: “When we add 2 degrees, it’s not enough, but if we remove the 2 degrees, it’s immediately ‘OMG NERF FCUK WARGAYMING ME AND MY 254 FRIENDS ARE LEAVING THE GAME’” 某玩家抱怨老鼠炮塔转速Buff的太少,Veider如是说:当我们增加2度转速的时候,你们觉得不够;但如果我们降低2度转速的话,你们马上就要说“你们这帮死基佬白毛子(War gay ming)。 - Veider (when confronted with the Maus II turret) states that if they add new turret and more DPM to Maus, there will immediately be too many Maus tanks around 当问到是否有鼠2的炮塔时,Veider如是说:如果我们决定给老鼠一个提升Dpm的新炮塔的话,老鼠数量就会瞬间变多 - Storm: “everything’s fine with optimization Storm:优化之后,一切是那么的有爱 - full multicore support will come in patch 9.something next year – Storm states that previously, they weren’t completely sure whether to do it or not, but they solved some problems within the engine and decided to implement it in full 多核支持,反正是明年9.X版本的事情,Stom早就说了,不过他们不确定是否会这样,等他们把问题解决了,东西自然就有了 - apparently there is a problem with Panzer I model (Panzer I hull is different in 8.10 than Panzerjäger I hull), it will likely be fixed 1号的模型有些问题,应该会被修正 - Lorraine model is also slightly off in 8.10 (frontal hull textures not corresponding to the model), will be fixed 8.10版的洛林模型看上去不对劲,不过会修复的 - Superpershing also has a tiny graphical model bug on lower plate armor, but it won’t be touched 超潘的首下同样有些作图上的问题,不过毛子不打算修改 - M48 Patton is doing fine statistically 嗯,大巴顿很不错,至少从胜率来看是这样 - Storm states that although some maps have 50 percent of their area covered by non-accessible terrain, it does not mean they are bad maps, he cites Abbey and Lakesville as examples Storm:有些地图有50%是车辆无法到达的地区,但这并不表示这是张稀烂的地图。嗯,我说的就是小镇争夺战和拉斯威利 - new Malinovka-style maps? “For now we decided to make city maps” 毛子,有类似于马利诺夫卡那种新地图么,新地图是巷战。 - Storm states that on the new Japanese map, most people go into the city Storm:嘛,新的日系地图啊,大部分人选择进城打巷战去了 - it’s “unknown” when Japanese heavies will come 什么时候有日系HT? 嘛,这是一个未知数! - the feedback on the new Japanese map is very positive on EU and US servers 欧服和美服对日系车评价良好 - first new city map will come in 9.0 9.0出新巷战地图 - the Chinese Wall map will not appear on RU/EU/US servers 其实,欧服,美服,俄服都没有钢铁长城(是这张吧) - Dragon’s Ridge will not return 香格里拉已经不会再出现了(T95:已经没有什么好害怕的了) - Leopard 1 will not get the “late” (1970′s) turret (SS: welded, boxy) 想要豹1的后期型炮塔么??? 年轻人好好撸炮,别做白日梦了 - Object 430 will not change in te♂st 2, other Japanese tanks will also not get changed Obj430二测数据不变,其它日本车可能不会有变化 - battles pre-determined by the fact one team gets more “noobs” than others during MM? “Remove your XVM and everything will be alright. It’s all in your head.” 毛子,你们是不是操纵分房,总把SB分到我这边。 嘛,把你的XVM/盒子删了,一切都会好起来的————一切要靠你的脑子 - while IS and KV-based tanks got new tracks, two of them didn’t: KV-13 and KV-1S, this is apparently intentional 大部分IS,KV底盘的车子都换了新履带,不过KV-13和KV-1S没换,这是有意为之的 【更多精彩资讯尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 [编辑:路牙]