0213你问我答 新跳弹效果 9.0T-54有新模型
2014-02-13 10:14来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
- WG knows about the FOV issue, it will most likely be fixed (by a hotfix apparently) to the old 8.10 setting and in 9.0 there will be an option to set it manually in settings WG知道FOV的问题,很可能会修正(通过一个热点补丁)为8.10版的设置,在9.0会有一个可以手动设置FOV的选项。 - mastery badges other than the highest one won’t be shown in battle results repeatedly 只有经验最高的M章才会在战斗结果中显示(针对已经拿过M的情况:也就是说即使你某次战斗的经验超过了得到M的标准,如果没超过你上次拿M的经验,那不会显示) - apparently, there is a problem in delay of visual effects on a tank being hit display, Storm is asking about it 坦克被击中后的视觉效果延迟有个问题,Storm正在问询。 - apparently the Russians had ping issues in 8.11 as well, just like the EU 和欧服一样,8.11毛服也存在ping的问题。 - most people on RU forums have seen FPS raise actually, not drop 俄服论坛上的大部分人反映FPS有所提升,而不是降低。 - the function to move the “native” crew into a tank with one click will also be implemented 会添加一键将原车组调回坦克的功能。 - it’s 100 percent sure that the camera (apart from the FOV change) was not moved vertically (up or down), WG checked 100%确定摄像机视角(不是FOV的改变)并不是竖直的移动(上或下),WG检查过了。 - Storm states that the fact artillery MM weight was reduced by 10 percent does not mean that artillery absolutely cannot appear as a top top vehicle of the team, it only means the chance of such a thing happening is much lower Storm称火炮分房权重降低10%并不意味着火炮绝对不会当班长,只是意味着当班长的概率大大降低了。 - it is a known fact that WG support employees can be mistaken: recently, a player asked on RU forums whether the spall liner reduced chance of crew being wounded applies only to HE shells. The support employee answered that yes, but Storm states that it works for all shells. WG的御用文人有时候也会犯错:最近,一个玩家在俄服论坛上问内衬能降低成员受伤概率的机制是不是仅对HE生效。WG雇员回答说是的,但后来Storm纠正称这个机制对所有弹种都生效。 - Storm states that some players reported that in 8.11, the effect if shells hitting your tank is much less noticable than before, he states WG is investigating the issue 一些玩家反映称8.11炮弹击中坦克比以前不容易被察觉了。Storm称WG正在调查此事。 - SU-122-44 bad in Confrontation mode (national battles)? “Don’t play SU-122-44〃 SU-122-44在对抗模式(国战)中表现太渣?六字。 - Storm asked players, whether they experience some sort of issue, where shells in sniper mode don’t fly from the center of the sniper scope, but from upper left side of it for example (SS: yes! I’ve noticed exactly this issue on my Centurion I, I found it very very weird, running no mods too) Storm在询问玩家是否遇见过下述情况:狙击模式中炮弹不从狙击镜的正中,而是从其它地方(比如说左上)飞出。(SS:是的,我在开百夫长1的时候就发现了这个问题,相当诡异,而且我没用什么MOD) - apparently the new ricochet effects are historically correct 新的跳弹效果"符合历史" - T-54 will be reworked into HD in 9.0 9.0会将T-54的模型重制为HD版 - until HD models arrive, Type 59 model will not be touched HD模型引入之前,不会再修改59式的模型 - no plans to add 3rd turret to T-54 没有给T-54第3个炮塔的计划 - Storm states that statistically, the amount of long waiting time cases on tier 8 became much smaller Storm称从数据上看,8级房排队时间很长的情况大幅减少了。 最后附一张8.11移除了12级房之后的分房图