0217你问我答 意系顶级中坦可能是豹1弹夹
Check out Listy’s article about Chieftain(Part II) 记得去看看Listy的关于酋长的文章(第二部分) - Italian heavy line? “No comment” 意大利重坦线?“不予置评” - Italian ships will definitely appear in World of Warships and there is a chance there might also be Italian planes in WoWp 意大利的战舰们绝对会出现在战舰世界中的,战机世界中也有可能会出现意大利的飞机 - the shell spread circle increase with distance is linear (SS: as in, if the spread at 100 meters is 0,3m, at 1000 meters it will be 3m) 炮弹散布的圈与距离的关系是成正比且显线性的(SS:也就是说,如果炮弹在100m的位置的散布是0.3m,在1000m的位置的散布就是3m) - Q: “Why is there spotting damage not in your statistics, when it is important for LT gameplay?” A: “*writes down* And not to forget, ugly glances!” (SS: this is a joke, where whenever players demand rewards for something really easy, SerB answers “And wouldn’t you want rewards for throwing ugly glances at the enemy too?” – in this case, chances are it will not be implemented. Or it might. Either way, low priority) 问:“既然点亮伤害对于轻坦这么重要,为什么这东西没有出现在你们的数据中?”答:“*抄写中*别忘了,还有鄙视!”(SS:这是句玩笑话,当玩家们想要从一个特别简单的东西中获得奖励时,SerB就会回答:“为什么你不想从鄙视你的敌人中获得奖励呢?”—在这种情况下,SerB的意思就是它有可能会被加入游戏,也有可能不会。总之,这事的优先级很低就对了) - there is a chance some tanks will have hulls with additional applique armor (SS: Schurzen for example) as their alternative hulls 部分坦克有可能会有带附加装甲的车身(SS:例如裙甲)作为它们的可选车身 - SerB mentions that the top tier of the Italian medium branch candidate could be the Leopard 1 with an autoloader (SS: this was found by Raptor_Fulcrum I think), but no decision in this matter has been taken yet SerB提到说意大利中坦线的顶级车有可能是带弹夹炮的豹1 (SS:我记得这东西是由Raptor_Fulcrum找到的),但是在这件事上还没做出什么决定 - Playstation WoT will not come, as WG has an exclusive contract with Microsoft 不会有PS家族上的WOT的,因为WG和微软签了平台限定的和约 - WoT under Unix and Linux (with OpenGL support)? Apparently there is some issue with OpenGL. “Time will tell” – this will however not come in following months. 会不会有在Unix和Lunix平台上的WOT(支持OpenGL)?现在OpenGL有点小问题。“时间会诉说一切的”—然而,接下来几个月中这事都没戏 - Japanese superheavy tanks are still planned 日系超重坦还在计划当中 - M18 Hellcat is doing fine statistically 地狱猫的数据表现还行 - no comment on the upcoming premium vehicles this year 对今年要出的新金币车不予置评 - Sturmtiger fits tier 10 (SS: not in 2014 most likely) 突击虎能被塞在10级里面(SS:今年年内估计是出不了了) - SerB is not sure, whether the Chi-Ru project is not a post-war fake, but if it’s not, it’s possible it will appear in the game SerB表示他不知道Chi-Ru工程究竟是不是战后的假消息,但是如果消息是真的,它就有可能会出现在游戏当中 - according to SerB, a part of the issues with the RU251 was solved SerB表示RU251的问题的一部分已经解决了