0220你问我答 出8级车是为了平衡标准模式
2014-02-20 10:47来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
- when creating a new tier 8 vehicle (orrebalancing an old one), it is balanced for general use, not for team battles. -当决定出新的8级车的时候(或者打算平衡一部的时候),这车是为了平衡标准模式的,而不是为了团队战。 - Wargaming doesn’t want multiple “copy” maps(like Summer/Winter Himmelsdorf), SerB states that they will rather try toimplement these variants with one map somehow (SS: as in, one map, more texturepacks or so) -WG不打算做重复太多的“重复”地图(比如锡默尔斯多夫的冬天/夏天图),SB表示他们更偏向通过别的方法和来实现这种效果(SS:比如一个地图有更多的纹理包) - various new graphic effects will not be addedto the old render (SS: the old render is not developed anymore in any way) 新的图像特效是不会加到旧的渲染上的。(SS:旧的渲染无论如何是不会有任何的改进了。) - there is a possibility that the M47 Patton with L7alternative hull (!) will be implemented -有可能在替换车身后可以使用L7炮的M47巴顿被引入游戏。 -BMP and BMD vehicles do not fit into WoT。 -BMP和BMD步兵战斗车不适合WoT。 - apparently, no “mastery” badge rewards are planned (SS: butnothing specifically confirmed or denied) -显然的没有奖励计划给完成“征服”勋章。(SS:但是没有特别地明确和反对) ![]() - the reason FV215b (183)’s gun is designated as 183mm, eventhough its caliber is listed as 182mm: “Different nominal and actual caliberare in British case very common” 虽然计划书上FV215b(183)的口径是182mm,但是在WoT里最终采用183mm是因为这种名不副实的事情对于英国人来说是经常的。 - currently, in the suspension model, each side has 4 contactpoints per side per tank (SS: as in, when calculating movement, 4 points oneach side are there to make sure the suspension doesn’t “run flat” and it looksgood). When the independent suspension gets introduced, this number willapparently rise to 5 – also, these points won’t have to be spread evenly, forexample, when a vehicle has irregular road wheels spread, like the T-54, thesepoints will reflect the road wheel positions -在目前的悬挂模型里,每部坦克每一边都有4个接触点(SS:详细解释一下,当在计算的时候,每一边的四个接触点将会确保悬挂在运动时看上去不会像漏了气的轮子那样,这样设定的结果看上去不错。)当独立悬挂被引入后,接触点将会增长到5个---并且,这些接触点不需要均匀分配,比如像T-54有不规则的车轮分布,这些接触点将会反映出车轮位置。 - T-55 Model 1958 is not in the game, because it’s too OP T-55在1958年的模型是不会在游戏的,因为太强了 - AMX 13 Model 1952 is in the game as AMX 13/75 AMX13在1952年的模型在游戏里就是AMC13/75。 - detracking will not be split into “detracked by breakingthe track” and “detracked by having a roadwheel destroyed” (SS: for the purposes of possible movement while detracked) “断履带”这种情况不会分类为“履带断了导致‘断履带’”和“车轮坏了导致‘断履带’”(SS:为了当被断履带时可能出现的情况) 楼主批注:这里说明一下,如果是轮子坏了,坦克应该也是可以动的,为了省事,就不这么分类了。 And from Overlord: - E25 is not OP - FOV actually does influence FPS (SS: this wasconfirmed by Storm too, the wider the FOV, the more power it needs for the sameperformance) 最后来自“神”的指示: -E25不强 -视野实际上影响帧率(SS:这点也被Storm证实了。在性能不变的情况下,视野越大,它所需要处理的东西也越多。)