
0220你问我答 丘吉尔GC将降级 复杂的HE弹

2014-02-21 09:23来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
1.三测爆料 坦克世界8.11亚洲服更新内容
2.坦克世界8.11更新内容 小朋友都震惊了
5.官方微博大爆料 坦克世界8.11更新内容
6.坦克世界8.11视野机制变动 或砍TD隐蔽

  - Churchill Gun Carrier from tier 6 to tier 5 and reviewing stock Bishop? “When it’s done it’s done, if it happens at all” (SerB states that he can post his personal opinion,but other people deal with rebalance than him)

  - 听说丘吉尔GC将会从6级变成5级,并且打算重新审视一下白板主教? “做好了就告诉你”(大SerB说他能谈谈他的个人意见,但是重新平衡的工作还是由其他人在做)

  - there are no plans for now for variable geometry wing fighter jets in the game (such as the Messerschmitt MEP.1109), but in the future their implementation is not excluded

  - 目前没有关于可变机翼战斗机的计划(举个栗子,梅塞施密特MEP.1109),但是在未来也不排除

  - the option to view replays from old game versions is not going to be implemented (SerB: “Convert the replay to video”)

  - 重放老版本回放的选项?不会有的(大SerB:这是把回放变成录像了)

  - SerB states that regarding the way crew XP counter is implemented in WoWp (SS: it allegedly shows crew XP to 100 percent and not to next percent or something like that), there is a really low priority for implementing that to WoT, because both ways are roughly equally comfortable for the player

  - 大SerB说,关于在战机世界里成员经验的显示方式(SS:据说是用百分比来显示,而不是用到达下一个百分比需要多少或者诸如此类),在坦克世界里,这个优先级很低,因为两种方法对玩家来说都是差不多的

  - SerB states that there is no “gold shell issue” (SS: as in, an issue of players shooting only gold in randoms), because everyone can do that

  - 大SerB说没有所谓的“金币弹问题“(SS:比如野队全程金币弹),因为每个人都能这么做

  - SerB states that the impression tier 9 vehicles get (after the removal of battletier 12) thrown more often to the bottom of the team is false and not consistent with Wargaming’s statistics

  - 大SerB说,在移出12级房之后,有关⑨级车经常在队伍里垫底的印象是错误的,与WG的统计数据不相符

  - SerB states, that HE shells, that penetrate the armor completely (by their kinetic energy) don’t lose penetration ability over distance or get normalized

  - - 大SerB说,关于HE蛋,穿深是由它们的动能决定,并不会随着距离损失,也不会得到修正

  because “there is a quite complicated process of penetration, connected with the deformation of a thin-walled shell. Roughly said, limited sturdiness of the shell doesn’t allow for much more penetration even at short distances.


  Well, and as for normalization, these shells don’t ‘twist’” (SS: by “twist” I mean the process where the shell changes its vector upon impact, based on the construction of the point of the shell)


  - FPS dropping on new winter maps? SerB: “How terrible. I checked, both the new maps and the old maps have roughly the same FPS for me. Write to support.”

  - 在新冬季地图上掉帧?大SerB:吃我六字真言。我检查过了,新老地图在我这的帧数都差不多,如仍有疑问请发送错误报告以寻求技术支持。


上一篇:0220你问我答 出8级车是为了平衡标准模式 下一篇:0224你问我答 9.0测试服或将在3月6号开测


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

