0227你问我答 各种漫游云云 E-50M炮盾厚度
2014-02-27 15:03来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
- roaming coming until summer? “Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee that. When it’s done it’s done” 在暑假之前能搞定漫游不?“不幸的是,我们无法对此作出保证。When it’s done it’s done” - during roaming, the packets will go “directly to the regional server” after logging on your “home” server 在漫游期间,数据包会在登录到你的“本土”服务器之后“直接发送到漫游地区的服务器” - roaming will be available in the beginning only for WoT 漫游机制一开始只有WOT可用 - WoWp will get another RU server “when the time is right”, multicluster mechanism will be introduced in one of the upcoming patches 战机世界会在“时机正确”时开一个新的毛服服务器,多集群机制也将在后面的补丁中的一个加入游戏 - SerB states that the differences between actual battle FPS and the replay of the same battle FPS on the same computer should theoretically be negligible SerB表示理论上来说,同一台电脑在战斗中的帧数和放录像时的帧数的差别应该很小 - the E50M mantlet is covering a large hole, so basically the thickness of the mantlet is just 185mm E-50M的炮盾是用来挡住一个大洞的,所以炮盾的厚度就是185mm - no exact conditions for recieving bans after 8.11 will be disclosed, as it would allow players to make strategies for teamdamaging/teamkilling safely without punishment 不会公布在8.11之后的被Ban的信息,因为这样就会让玩家们制定能够在TK/打队友的情况下还不被Ban掉的策略 By the way, if you think there is little new info every day, it’s always like that before a major patch. I call it “calm before the storm”. 还有,如果你觉得最近每天都没什么干货的话,这是因为每个版本更新之前都会出现的情况。我叫它“风暴之前的宁静”