
1006你问我答 限制跨服历史模式针对全球

- SerB states that there are no more “premium account” missions, because at this moment it’s possible to get free premium account from airplanes and there is no reason to implement two competing features

SerB 说不会再有更多的高级账号任务了,因为现在可以在战机世界那获得免费的高级账号,就没理由再去加入两个相冲突的功能了。

- TD gold ammo nerfs anytime soon? “If needed”


- new tesselation technologies? (HBAO, HDAO) (SS: no idea what that means) “Wait for patch 0.9.0, there will be a lot in it, even though not everything you ask for”

新的曲面细分 技术?(SS:不知道啥意思)等待9.0补丁吧,将会有很多在里面,即使不能兼顾到每个人想要的。

- devs are working on the improved physics (SS: independent roadwheel movement), they are currently fixing bugs of the system, work goes “normally”


- SerB states that some bug fixes are delayed till next patch, because transferring a patch to the inner WG work server delays next patch development by weeks

SerB 说一些bug的修复拖延到下个版本了,因为转移到WG内部服务器的补丁将会拖延下一个补丁的开发。

- SerB, when asked why they are doing a mode for e-sports players, when there are so few of them: “Well, because there are so few of the e-sports players, we made the quick team filling mechanism for random players. It’s like when there’s professional football and when you have a match with friends in the yard. And for people who really don’t play sports we will make the historical battles after 7/42.” Also, SerB wanted to make historical battles before cybersports, but he was outvoted on that.


- SerB states that if you have a tank with low firepower, like stock T-34-2, you should “go after enemies with thin armor, scout, evade enemies, flank, go after arty”

SerB 说熊孩子们,如果你的车辆火力差,就像白板T342,你应该绕到敌人后面打薄弱的装甲,去打侦察车,避免正面交锋,学会侧翼支援,偷火炮。

- Object 277, 279 and 770 are not planned

Object 277, 279 and 770 不再计划中……

- WoT “dramatic improvement of graphics” will be in “one of the upcoming patches”


- SerB states that open hatches playing a role in HEAT impact is one of the urban legends. As an example, he cites a buttoned-up Abrams, penetrated by a HEAT warhead, when only one crewmember recieved burns.

SerB 说HEAT弹灌顶只是个传说而已,他举个例子,艾布拉姆斯就被HEAT击穿过,但只是有一个成员被烧伤。

上一篇:坦克世界8.9情报曝光 大量车型得到增强 下一篇:1007你问我答 IS-3不变调整草丛防穿透


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

