1006你问我答 限制跨服历史模式针对全球
- MAN and Daimler-Benz Tiger proposals won’t be implemented (not enough data) MAN 和Daimler-Benz Tiger的建议不会去实施(没有足够的数据)[我也不知道啥意思]。 - new music for WoT will be implemented “based on our possibilities” 会有新的背景音乐?这要看我们想不想。 - roaming limits will work in all directions, not just RU->EU 跨服限制将会面向所有服务器,并非只是俄服到欧服(毛子在说大话,你敢让天朝也过去?) - SerB states that the Soviet tanks are more “streamlined” than German “boxes” because “our school of construction was strongly influenced by Christie and the French (yes, the same AMX-40). Other than that, for our economy the cast armor was more reasonable” SerB 说苏联车流线型设计比德国的盒子状更合理,因为在学术上更多受到克里斯蒂和法国人的影响,比如这个AMX-40.装甲的铸造则是由当时的经济决定。 - there might be more tier 8 premiums at some point, there are candidates available 未来会有更多的8级金币车。 - no concrete plans for British hightier premium tanks 英系的高级金币车还没有具体的计划。 - SerB states that there will be no submarines in WoWs, because they would have to be even less realistic than WoT arty SerB 说战舰世界不会有潜水艇,因为那样做的话会比WOT里的火炮还不现实。 - new French tanks will not come anytime soon, but they will come 新的法国车近期不会出现,但他们肯定会出现在游戏里。 - the possibility to chat when the map is loading will be implemented with the new chat interface 新的聊天界面可以让你在载入地图过程中聊天。 - 7/42 mode for tier 10? “For tier 10 we have other plans” 10级车7/42模式? 10级车我们还有其它的计划。 - there are no plans to replace too new tanks with something else 不打算把年代太新的车辆用其它车替换掉。