
1006你问我答 限制跨服历史模式针对全球

- the gameplay between WoT and WoTXbox is incompatible, Xbox version has various features to compensate for the clumsiness of the game controller, so that the gameplay could at least a bit compare to the mouse one


- SerB states that the statement “Cybersport mostly consists of organizational matters, changes in the client are minimal” is not correct

SerB 说电子竞技主要内容是赛事组织,客户端的变化很小的说法是不对的。

- SerB states that the 7/42 has different rating, because it’s for the e-sports players (SS: not every random player)

SerB 说7/42模式有着不同的评级,因为是为电竞选手准备的。

- gun barrel in sniper mode (like in Xbox WoT) will not be implemented for two reasons: 1) it blocks a part of the sniper view 2) in real life, you couldn’t see the barrel thru the scope either

狙击模式下显示炮管(就像Xbox WoT)不会加入到WOT,两点原因:1,它会阻碍狙击视野;2,在现实中,你也不会看到炮管所经过的范围。

- there will be no separate statistic for damage done by AP and gold shells


- German tech tree interface is already packed: if new tanks don’t fit, it will be made bigger


- SerB states that three branches for each class in one nation are practically out of the question (for example 3 top arties), but it’s possible some classes will have three vehicles on the same tier, such as Object 430, Object 140 and T-62A

SerB 说一个国家每种类型车有3条分支几乎没什么问题,例如3个顶级火炮,但是有可能某些车型将会有3辆车在同意等级,比如现在的Object 430, Object 140 and T-62A。

- city maps: when it’s done it’s done


- apparently, gold consumable mechanism (where you can accidentally activate it and it will fix useless damage, such as yellow tracks) won’t be changed


- SerB states that the mission crew XP coefficients are not multiplicative, but cumulative: for example if you fulfill 2 missions that give you 20 percent crew XP bonus each, it will NOT look like 1*1,2*1,2, but 1+0,2+0,2

SerB 说任务当中的成员经验系数不是相乘,是相加,比如你满足了2个任务条件给你每个成员20%的额外经验加成,它不是这样算的 1*1,2*1,2,,而是1+0,2+0,2。

上一篇:坦克世界8.9情报曝光 大量车型得到增强 下一篇:1007你问我答 IS-3不变调整草丛防穿透


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

