1016你问我答 德国TD3线E-100Buf不可避
发表时间:2013-10-16 作者:yi︶曲゛流年 编辑:nak 来源:网络 游戏下载
很明显,武器搬运车系列还在测试阶段,不过,Veider大仙表示,嗯,Buff一下WT E-100是很有必要滴。
- the developers discussed and rejected the idea of hiding player stats (“there would be more disadvantages than advantages”) 毛子在权衡利弊之后,否决了诸如“隐藏玩家数据”的点子————因为这个弊大于利! - Q: “Please, can you tell me which religion forbids the devs to make the disabling of the chat in game possible?” A:”Pastafarianism”) p2 u. i( A1 A) E* u- b 毛子,毛子,你们表示在聊天系统内禁止谈论宗教,那有什么宗教可以例外呢? "嘛,飞天面条神教!(这个,大家自行百度)“ (嗯,其实还有152神教,150神教,弹夹神教,SerB神教………………等等,有奇怪的东西混进去了)。 - it’s possible there will be no arties at all in historical battles 历史模式可能没有火炮。 - the reason the Japanese tankers have sort of American-ish names (ranks) is the same as for the Chinese tankers: 99.9 percent of the players outside of Chinese server wouldn’t be able to read the “hieroglyphs” 你们知道为什么日系、天朝车组成员的名字是用英文拼写的么? 嘛,因为除了国服,其他服大概有99.9%的人无法认识这种”象形文字“(汉字,假名)。 - for now big maps (1500x1500m) won’t be implemented, but the devs are slowly experimenting with them already 现在不会有诸如1500X1500的巨型地图,不过可以说的是,毛子已经开始做有关大地图的试验了。 - destroyed tanks won’t have hit/scratch (bounce) decals on them 被摧毁坦克上面是看不到什么擦伤,撞击痕迹的。 - the limited maximum viewrange in the game is “a feature of the game engine”, developers will try to increase the range on which the vehicle becomes visible after being spotted (SS: as in, not your own spotting range, but the range you see the enemy someone else spotted) 为什么要要限制游戏的显示距离?因为这是由引擎的特性决定的。毛子打算增加增加车辆在被点亮之后的显示距离,也就是说,出现”在小地图上看得见,在画面上看不见的情况会少一些“。 - it’s theoretically possible there will be a branch-to-branch transfer (as in, another vehicle unlockable) from StuG III to “something historical”, but it will take a very long time) 理论上三突可能和某辆历史车辆存在互相连接的桥梁。 - a long time ago in one ancient German tree version, there was a vehicle called StuG E-100 – Storm states that it’s the identical vehicle to current Jagdpanzer E-100 (SS: correct, StuG E-100 is the “more correct” name 很久很久以前(大概是紫妈16岁的时候吧),SerB搞出了德系升级树试做版,里面有一辆叫做Rx-0”突击E-100“的谜の机体——现在,Storm告诉我们,这个Rx-0“突击E-100”就是现在的MSN-06S“E-100坦克歼击车”。 - there will be possibly a third German TD branch, in about one year from now 嗯,存在德国TD3线,估计在最近一年之内出现。 - Storm actually states (contrary to previous SerB’s statements) that there will not be exactly a “team battle” mode for tier 10′s. There will be “something else also interesting, but we won’t tell what exactly will it be for now” Storm:SerB那个SB说会有什么为10级车特设的团队战模式? 拜托,别信他的,虽说这点子很棒,不过,我不会告诉你们我们是否会制作这个的'。 - Kanonenjagdpanzer 4-5 is a “strange TD” according to Storm, it’s possible it might be implemented, but Storm doesn’t know where in the tree he would put it Storm:JPZ4-5(战后西德的一种TD)是TD中的“奇行种”,我们有可能把他弄进游戏,不过至于他在升级树的那里就不得而知了, - when a crewmember is killed, any perks/skills that he had stop working, but apparently, if two identical role crewmembers (for example two loaders for vehicles that have them) have the same perk, the perk will still work on the second crewmember (for example the Adrenaline rush). If both crewmembers have the same skill and one is killed, the vehicle skill level will depend on the surviving crewmember 当某个车组成员跪了的时候,他身上的所有技能将会失效,如果同一位置的两个成员都学了同样的技能 ,那么,当一个成员挂了的话,该技能依然生效。如果所有的成员都学了同一个技能,当一个成员挂了,该技能等级取决于存活下来的成员的技能等级。 - BIA will stop working when one crewmember gets killed Wargaming Warning:只要有一个成员跪了,基友连就失效了。 - HEAT and subcaliber shell impact looks the same way “for technical reasons”3 B6 K( l7 i# [& m5 |' R Heat和次口径弹的的打击效果是一样的——这是技术原因。 - apparently, Waffenträgers might come out the way they are now on the te♂st, but Veider (the head of tank balancing department) actually states that it will be 100 percent necessery to buff WT E-100 很明显,武器搬运车系列还在测试阶段,不过,Veider大仙表示,嗯,Buff一下WT E-100是很有必要滴。 |