
1025你问我答 蛮荒之地将会新添加走廊


- after the Japanese branch, there will be quite a long pause in adding new regular vehicles, only small numbers of premiums and various event tanks will be implemented, just a few pieces per patch

- 日本线出了之后,会有很长一段时间停止增加新车,只会增加少量金币车和活动车,每个版本一点点。

- the danger of OP vehicles according to Storm is that they eventually replace other vehicles of its tier in battle and the game loses its diversity, current diversity is sufficient. Storm on introducing OP tanks: “A tank is introduced, everyone slowly learns about it and random battles on its tier are slowly dominated by this tank. There is no diversity, interest drops, it’s bad for everyone and fucked up in general”

- 根据Storm,过于OP的车辆会代替(挤兑)它所在等级的其他车辆,这样减少了游戏的多样性,目前的多样性是需要的。Storm关于增加OP车辆:"一辆坦克增加后,随着大家对它的不断了解,在随机战中它慢慢占据了同级车中的统治地位。这样不好,这样就没有多样性了,这非常糟糕。"。

- models being reworked for new graphics? “I can’t say”

- 模型有为了新图像效果重制吗?"无可奉告"。

- there is no historical E-75 side armor: it was never defined anywhere, the tank was just a concept

- 没有什么E-75史实侧装甲:它重来就没有明确的定义,它只是一个概念。

- apparently, Storm gets such idiotic letters several times a day

- 显然,Storm每天都会收到很多愚蠢的信件。

- Zlobny in the comment section, commenting on Foch: “I will nerf it soon *diabolocal laughter*”

- Zlobny在评论中关于福熙说道,"我很快就会nerf它(此处应有笑声)"。

- Storm and Zlobny confirm that pre-nerf tier 5 derp HEAT spammers were OP, they were nerfed because they distorted the gameplay

- Storm 和 Zlobny确认了,以前nerf 5级的HEAT是因为他们太OP了,破坏了游戏性。

- Zlobny on 105mm derp HEAT nerf: “It was a fix of the role change of certain configurations of some tanks. In the beginning, the 105mm howitzers were quite unpopular on tier 5 tanks until the implementation of gold shells for credits, that changed their role completely. We just returned them to their old role, so where’s the nerf?”

- Zlobny关于105mm喷子 HEAT nerf:"这是为了修正有些车的角色转变。刚开始的时候,5级车很少用105mm榴弹炮,直到增加了银币买金币弹。我们只是让它变回原来的样子,哪nerf了?"。

- regarding Marder 2 gun and viewrange: “the vehicle was fully reworked and not nerfed”

- 关于黄鼠狼2的炮和视野:"这车是重制了,不是nerf"

- Storm states that real vehicles, that have documented armor, have it historical in game (with exceptions), while “paper” vehicles, that did not have the armor even defined (SS: E-75) or were never built have the armor as a balance parameter (SS: for example, E-75 was nothing more than a Tiger II, simplified and streamlined for production), if a vehicle has a historical armor and this armor is proved to be different (for example by finding other documents), then the armor can be changed to new historical values (the Superpershing case was however simply a mistake)

- Storm表示实车,有明确记载的装甲数据的,在游戏中拥有史实装甲(有几个例外),而图纸车,他们的装甲并没有明确定性或是从来没用造出来的,他们拥有平衡的装甲,(SS:比如E75,并不是虎王的精简版),如果一辆车有史实装甲数据,而这个装甲被证明是与游戏种不同的(如找到了其他文件),那么这个装甲数据就可以修改为史实数值。

上一篇:坦克世界8.9三改式弱点爆料 准备弹药夹 下一篇:8.9先锋测试服终极大曝光 重要信息一览


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

