
1027你问我答 苏联MT3线与KV-1S的命运

2013-10-28 11:49来源:网络发布者:yi︶曲゛流年新手卡|游戏下载

- SerB on why WG won Golden Joystick despite the overwhelmingly negative response on RU forums: “It’s simply because the whiners are always more active”

作死的玩家:SerB,SerB,你们拿了”金摇杆奖“为何毛服论坛还是一片骂声捏?? SerB:嘛,喷子总是能够找到可以喷的东西呢。

- Slava Makarov (main WoT producer) states he didn’t know in advance WoT would win


- historical battles will have gold ammo (and it won’t be limited apparently)


- teamdamage/teamkill automated system doesn’t track teamdamage done to certain classes (SS: as in, whether for example arty gets more teamdamage)


- it’s possible the tier 5 KV-1S will have also a 122mm gun, but it’s a short gun (S-41, something like the KV-1 U-11)

嘛,5级的KV-1S也有122炮哦! 剧透一下,是一门~短~喷~子~炮~哟~~~~~

- player view from inside a tank is not planned


- apparently LT’s as a class are not dying and won’t be buffed


- yesterday, SerB wasn’t celebrating the Golden Joystick victory, he was celebrating his son’s 20th birthday


- SerB is fine with the fact WG won the Golden Joystick again, but he feels indifferent to it

SerB: WG拿下金摇杆奖是好事,不过,我不在乎这个。

- tier 10 heavies rebalance? “As always – when necessery”

嘛,10级HT会有新一轮平衡么?? SerB:如果有必要的话,总会的。

- special “national” soundtrack (SS: as in tunes) for tanks of various nations? “Possible, but won’t be implemented for now”

作死玩家:嘛,会不会每个国家有不同的履带音效? SerB:嘛,有可能,不过不会搞这个。

- the terrain passability of Object 140 and T-62A is “roughly equal”


- apparently a Capture the Flag mode won’t be implemented

很明显,Capture the flag(这个怎么说? 夺旗战?)这种模式一定不会有。

- WoT having the same aim reticles as WoWp? “We are still seeking the optimal solution for WoWp”

WOT会有和战姬世界一样的瞄准光标么? SerB:嘛,我们还寻找关于战姬世界的最佳解决方法。

- there was an obscure “IS model 1940″ tank, apparently with a BR-2 152mm gun, this however won’t be implemented, SerB states that it’s equal to the SU-100Y

其实有一种叫做 GP-03……不不不,ISMod1940的幻の坦克,这车装着Br-52 152大管子。————当然,别担心,游戏中没有这车,SerB表示这车和Su-100Y是等效的。

- before, there was an idea of making a new medium branch from a KV-13 tank, SerB however states that the tier 9 tank proposed for this branch was scrapped (unspecified reason) and so the developers decided to cancel the whole branch and to enter its proposed tier 10 as a CW reward tank (Object 907)


- apparently, the guns in Jagdtiger 88 and Nashorn were not identical, they only had the same ballistic properties


- SerB states that KV-1S will indeed turn into two tanks at first (tier 5 KV-1S and tier 6 KV-85/100/122) (KV-122 with D-25T will NOT be a tier 7 tank). However, later, KV-1S will merge with KV-1 as a hull option for KV-1, so in the end there will be just KV-1 and KVsomething


- the solution to sell new premium tanks only via gift shop was accepted because “it’s easier to control them that way in case one proves to be overpowered”

为什么新金币车只能在礼品商店出售? 因为当某辆新金币车被证实太过变态之后,我们就能很方便的控制了“。

- it was “always possible” to make non-square maps (for example 500×2000), but this won’t be implemented

嘛,想知道会不会有非正方形的地图? 剧透一下, 根~本~没~有~哦~

- apparently it’s possible to make two teams balanced without both teams having the same amount of tanks, this is considered for historical battles


- Q: “How do I make the crew appear in a hangar?” A: “Buy a hangar and hire a crew”

怎么样才能让车组在车库里出现呢? SerB:嘛,很简单,买个车库,再买一堆车组,当然,是三次元的车库和车组。

- in 7/42, randomly assembled teams will play against manually assembled ones too


- the option to hide player stats was scrapped because “it’s pointless”


- it won’t be possible to hide one particular tank from your stats


- a reliability of certain parts of vehicles is modelled by the amount of module HP (SS: as in, in real life an unreliable engine will have low hitpoints)


上一篇:8.9先锋测试服终极大曝光 重要信息一览 下一篇:1028你问我答 KV-1S分离后数据仍然保留


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

