Storm博客透露 德系将崛起狮式改动方案
Storm wrote another post on the developer blog. In one of the following patches, Lowe will be changed for historical reasons (based on data from H.Doyle – WG wrote him a letter) so: Storm在他的博客上另开了一贴。他表示在接下来的某个补丁中,狮式会由于历史原因而得到改动(基于H.Doyle的数据—WG给他写了封信) 改动如下: Weight will be reduced from 92,55 to 90 tons 重量从92.55吨下调到90吨 Depression and elevation will change from -6/+17 to -8/+38 (-5/+38 when the gun is facing back) 俯角及仰角从-6/+17调整到-8/+38(在炮管向后瞄的时候的角度是-5/+38) Ammo capacity will increase from 40 to 80 shells 载弹量从40发提高到80发 Upper part of the side armor will increase from 80mm to 100mm 侧面装甲的上半部分会从80mm增加到100mm Furthermore, tomorrow an urgent hotfix will came out, fixing following bugs: 明天还会有一个紧急的Hotfix推出,修复以下Bug: - crashes and freezes in the Missions window 在任务面板出现的死机以及游戏崩溃 - crashes and freezes in 7/42 battles 7/42战斗中出现的死机以及游戏崩溃 From the discussion to this post, Storm answers: 以及Storm回答了针对这个帖子所产生的讨论的问题: - Lowe won’t get any more expensive 狮式不会变的更贵 - there were no penetration system changes in 0.8.9 0.8.9没有穿深机制的改动 - the bug where the shells fly thru a tank is not fixed yet on the main server 鬼弹(详见昨天的QA)这个Bug在正式服务器上还没有被修复 - the developers know about a bug with disappearing medals/mastery badges/combat results, they are working on a fix 开发团队发现了一个会让奖章/M章/战斗记录消失的Bug,他们正在努力修复 - there will be no Lowe nerfs to compensate the abovementioned buffs 狮式在获得上述Buff的同时不会被砍 - Jagdtiger 88 won’t rebalanced for now (LFP from 120 to 100mm), it’s not even planned 猎虎88现在不会重新平衡(正面首下从120mm砍到100mm),甚至连这个计划都没有 - the “-8″ depression for Lowe applies when the gun is facing forward and to the sides 狮式的-8°俯角仅限于炮管向正面已经侧面的时候 - SU-26 ROF won’t be buffed apparently SU-26的射速不会增加 - VK7201 and E-100 guns won’t be buffed in penetration it seems VK7201和E-100的炮在穿深方面看起来不会Buff - there are some UI bugs when showing average crew XP and average XP gained, the XP gains themselves are not affected 在显示平均组员XP和平均战斗XP时好像会出现一些UI的BUG,但是获得的XP本身没有收到影响 - Storm states that vehicles are made historical wherever WG can Storm表示WG在尽可能多的地方让车辆符合历史 - Lowe turret sides thickness won’t be buffed 狮式的炮塔侧面装甲厚度不会被Buff - KV-5 won’t be buffed like this KV-5不会像这样Buff一波的 [编辑:nak]