
1031你问我答 小地图信息将会遭到屏蔽

2013-10-31 11:11来源:网络发布者:yi︶曲゛流年新手卡|游戏下载

- regarding the spaced armor being ripped off by shell impacts: it doesn’t concern only Havoc, it concerns also the game mechanism in general


- not all tanks will get optional spaced armor (SS: as a hull upgrade or a module, not sure), only those that had them in real life, that doesn’t however mean they had to have them fitted in a factory (apparently, vehicles that were field conversions in real life have a chance of appearing too), paper vehicles will get additional optional spaced armor only if necessery


- T-35 will apparently not appear before the multiturret mechanism is implemented (“that would be pointless”)

T-35 不会在多炮塔机制实施前出现在游戏中。

- apparently, more vehicle info (like the exact type of enemy vehicle) won’t be added to minimap, according to SerB the minimap would be unreadable that way (SerB states this won’t be implemented even as optional, because instead of implementing it the developers prefer to implement stuff useful to casual players)


- when a bunch of allied tanks hit the enemy tank at the same time, the damage “adds” and only one amount of hitpoints gets deducted (SS: as in, one tank hits for 150 and the other for 140 at the same time – both see that the enemy vehicle loses 290 hitpoints), it is possible to separate it, but it won’t be done in order not to spam the player with too much info


- camera viewpoint (from where what you see is calculated) is located in the geometrical center of the tank


- the abovementioned center changes its position only when the tank is moving (SS: in other words, it doesn’t matter where you turn the turret, it will still be the same)


- a special visibility check (whether you are visible or not) takes place when the tank stops and when it starts moving


- installing a wet ammo rack apparently doesn’t increase your ramming damage


- visual camo works only on maps of that respective type (summer camo on summer maps etc.) – however: it is NOT true that if you buy only one (for example only summer camo), it will not work at all (there was such a rumor)

迷彩涂装只适用于与之对应的地图,比如夏季迷彩在夏季地图上-- 然而,如果你只买了一种迷彩,它将不会在任何地图生效,这不是真的。(有这样的流言蜚语)。

上一篇:M系顶级特种中坦M60前传:M48战术攻略 下一篇:Storm博客透露 德系将崛起狮式改动方案


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

