Hello everyone, Maiorboltach made a post in the LJ community about the 8.11 ASAP video, where he made a summary of its contents (like I did in the earlier post). Under this post, Storm answered some of the questions. Here is what he said: LJ论坛的Maiorboltach 对8.11ASAP视频内容做的一个摘要,下面是storm对一些问题的回答: - the new Object 268 gold ammo pen will be 395 Object 268 金币弹穿深降为395 - Storm states that he said earlier the National battles wouldn’t come because earlier the developers didn’t want to implement them, but they changed their mind (“time went by and situation changed”) Storm指出之前说的不会出现国战模式是因为开发人员不想实施,后来他们改变了主意 - WaStorm ffenträger E-100 will be nerfed in following parameters: hull traverse, aim spread when turret is rotating, turret rotation speed Storm 说WT E100会削弱以下参数:车体转速,炮塔旋转时炮的扩圈,炮塔旋转速度 - Foch 155 DPM will be nerfed (or rather, alpha will be nerfed from 850 to 750 and it will not be compensated by ROF), there will be no other buff to compensate it 三炮DPM削弱,均伤下降到750,而且不会有射速上的补偿,并且也没有其它方面的补偿,比如加强装甲,速度之类的 - camo for TDs will be reworked, Veider confirms that TDs will lose their class camo bonus TD伪装重做,veider证实TD不会再有伪装加成了(就是作为TD的伪装加成没了) - TD’s as a whole (the entire class) will be rebalanced, the tier 10 nerf is not the final solution, more like a temporary one TD作为一个整体的车辆类别重做,10级TD的削弱不是最终方案,更像是一个临时的决定(方案) - there will be no additional MM rules for the “national battles” mode apart from teams being sorted by nations, everything will work just like in random battles (SS: 6x KV-1S vs 6x VK3601 will be “fun”) 国战不会有额外的分房机制,除了组队的要通过国家来排序,其它的都和随机模式的规则一样(SS:6个kv-1s对上6个vk3601可有意思了) - developers actually thought about introducing the chat disabled visualisation (SS: as in, players would be able to see who in battle has disabled chat) but decided not to do it, because there is a danger the disabled chat would be too popularized by that 开发人员曾想过禁用聊天可见化(就是在战斗中可以看到哪个人关闭了聊天功能),但后来决定不这么做,怕弄巧成拙。 - BigWorld change in 8.11 will mean the mods will stop working 8.11BigWorld 引擎的变化意味着原有的插件不可用了 【更多精彩资讯尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 [编辑:路牙]