0.8.10 在去年12。27日上线也快1个月了,我们来收集下关于下个版本0。8。11的相关零散的资讯吧: 多次在忽悠里介绍里提到的是关于聊天屏蔽的功能,一些金币车,挪威或瑞士雪地地图等 - T-44-85 will come in 8.11 只提过一次 T-44-85会在8.11中出现 - next patch will not be 9.0, but 8.11 – it will contain UI features, such as disabling the chat 下一个补丁并不是9.0,而是8.11—它包含了一些UI的新功能,例如禁用随机战斗中的聊天窗口等等 SerB also mentions unlockable hulls officially, which is cool (as alternatives, not one better than the other). Good. Also, further optimization will be made in 8.11 and 9.0. SerB也以官方身份提到了可选车身,看起来很屌(是作为替换用的,而不是单纯的一个比另一个要好)。挺好,还有,8.11和9.0会有更多的优化。 - tier 10 TD nerf (SS: reduced alpha) will come in 8.11, some TD’s will not keep their DPM (SS: that means some TD’s will have their DPM nerfed too by not only reducing the alpha, but also by not compensating the reduction by ROF buff) 10级TD大砍(SS:降低单发伤害)会在8.11动手,部分TD的DPM不会和现在一致(SS:这就意味着部分TD的DPM不仅会以砍掉单发伤害的形式下降,同时还得不到其他TD得到的射速补偿) - 8.11 will not bring much in the way of optimization: WoT will start running on new BigWorld version (2.4.1) and there will be some small memory and processing optimizations 8.11不会带来特别多的优化调整:WOT将会开始运行新的BigWorld版本(2.4.1),届时将会有一些小的内存以及CPU优化 - apparently the 8.11 will bring the features announced earlier (SS: like switching off the battle chat) “if we manage to fit it in” 8.11会带来早些时候就说过的机制的(SS:类似于关闭聊天窗口)“当然,要是我们能把它们塞进去的话” - map Kharkov will not come in 8.11 哈尔科夫这张地图在8.11没戏 - 8.11 will most likely come in February according to the regular schedule 按照时间表来说,8.11会在二月份上线 - there will be “a few event vehicles” in 8.11 (SS: in this case “event” means any type of tank that is not regular, eg. premium, special, promo etc.), there will be a “very cool” new map in 8.11 too 8.11会有“少量特殊车辆”出现(SS:这里“特殊”意味着非银币车以外的种类,也就是说金币车,促销车,礼品车之类的),同时还会有一张“非常牛逼”的地图出现 - Storm states that all the mods for remodelling will stop working in 8.11 Storm表示所有的对坦克的模型做出改动的MOD在8.11都不能正常工作 ———–自制的车辆涂装MOD会失效(弱点插件,自制的涂装模型等) - the new map (in 8.11) will be a winter map from Sweden/Norway, it will be a city with big buildings + port + large open suburbs 8.11的新地图是一张基于挪威/瑞典的雪地地图,这是张有很大的建筑,还有个港口以及很大的郊区的城市地图 - in 8.11, tank models will switch to new format, that’s why all skins and remodel mods will stop working 8.11,坦克模型会切换到新格式,这就是为什么所有的自制涂装和对模型本身下手的MOD会不再起效 - in 8.11, TD camo will not be nerfed, Storm states that this will happen maybe later 8.11中,TD们的伪装系数不会被砍,Storm表示这个可能会在晚些时候在搞 - in 8.11, the option to disable the battle chat will come, however players with disabled chat will not be marked as such (SS: as in, others won’t be able to see whether your chat is disabled or not) 8.11中的确会加入屏蔽战斗聊天的选项,然而禁用了聊天的玩家们不会被做上特殊的标记(SS:也就是说其他人是不知道你的聊天窗是被禁用与否的) - apparently the premium tanks, that are not in the ingame shop anymore (KV-5, Type 59) do not display correctly on your Depot screen, it’s a bug and it will be fixed in 8.11 那些不存在于游戏内的商店的金币车们(KV-5,59式等等)在仓库界面不会正确显示的原因是由于Bug造成的,它会在8.11就进行修复 - improved Prokhorovka (SS: see earlier leak post) is work in progress, it will not appear in 8.11, maybe it will in 9.0 对普罗霍洛夫卡(SS:看前面地图的帖子)的改进工作正在进行中,它不会出现在8.11补丁中,但是有可能会在9.0中出现。 - Windstorm map (SS: modelled apparently after Trondheim) will appear in 8.11 “暴风雪”这张图(SS:是根据特隆赫姆而创建的地图)会出现在8.11中出现 译注:特隆赫姆,或有译为特伦汗)是挪威的一个城市,于997年建立。现在成为全挪威的教育中心、科技技术中心和药物研究中心,有30,000名学生在此接受教育。 另:特隆赫姆是德国入侵挪威的行动(威瑟演习作战)中其中一个入侵目标。 由希佩尔海军上将号及4艘驱逐舰运送的1700名德国陆军山地部队在1940年4月9日凌晨登陆特隆赫姆,并在同日控制特隆赫姆。——以上内容均来源于维基百科,特隆赫姆词条。 [编辑:路牙]