
0116你问我答 苏系ZiS-30未来将加入

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4.坦克世界8.10更新内容 苏系9、10级新车

  It is the week of flames it seems – check out Listy’s two fire-themed articles: Crocodile in action and Burning down the house on EU portal


  - Q: “Did you take into account that in historical battles of Tigers vs T-34, everyone will want to play the Tigers? I will play only Tigers, because playing T-34 would lower my player statistics (less kills and more deaths).” A (SerB): “Of course we did – such smart players will wait until the end of time And by that you won’t improve your statistics, eh? ” (SS: what SerB probably means is that the “Tiger” queue will be very, very long)

  问:“你们在制作虎式vsT-34的历史战的时候有没有考虑过大家都很想玩虎式这个问题?我肯定只会玩虎式,因为玩T-34会降低我的各项数据(死亡次数增加,杀敌次数减少)”答(SerB):“我们当然考虑过了—这么聪明的玩家一定能熬到等待时间结束的 ,当然通过这样你的数据也上升不了多少吧,你说是吧? ” (SS:SerB这里大概想说的是虎式的排队时间将会非常非常的长)

  - regarding the question above, when asked, whether this will not reduce the popularity of historical battles: “Some battles, yes. We do not care.”


  - when asked (historical battles) why not make it just for example 1 Tiger and 5 Panthers vs 1 IS and 5 T-34/85′s: “Because for example in the battle of Kursk, there were no IS and T-34/85 tanks”


  - team battles will definitely be improved and their bugs fixed, “when it’s done it’s done”

  7/42绝对会有改进,且BUG们会被修复,当然了, “when it’s done it’s done”

  - shell trajectory after being shot does not change


  - gun depression is also a balance parameter – KV-1S for example has -8 depression on the 122mm gun, while historically it could depress it only to -2 degrees, Yurko2F states that with the historical value, some Soviet tanks were practically unplayable.


  - to the question above, when asked why the Chinese have bad depression and the Soviets don’t: “Such an injustice. Don’t tell me both the nations are the same. And yes, it’s a balance parameter.”


  - the speed of the tank is not taken into account when calculating shell trajectory (SS: as in, the shell won’t move any faster – lowering the entire curve – if the tank goes fast)


  - Storm confirms that the Agrimotor was some old test vehicle from 4 years ago, it is not used anymore for anything, there is only an icon left


  - Storm states that the ZIS-30 Soviet TD will appear in the game at some point


  - according to The_Chieftain (US forum history specialist), he was talking to Hilary Doyle (SS: the ultimate German tank authority) and according to Mr.Doyle, the Germans knew about the 122mm IS prototype 5 months before they met IS-1 in combat

  根据The_Chieftain的说法(美服论坛历史专家)。他曾经跟Hilary Doyle进行过交谈(SS:一名德国坦克的权威专家)根据Doyle先生的说法,德国人在与IS-1进行交战前5个月就知道了关于122mm炮的IS原型车的事情

  Regarding the account theft reported earlier on RU server, Wargaming actually decided to compensate those, whose accounts were blocked for security reasons. If for example you had 85 percent of your IS-6 mission completed and your account was blocked, you will get the IS-6 for free. That’s a nice move from them.



上一篇:0114你问我答 新地图和地图的动态季节转换 下一篇:0117你问我答 三炮被砍 中日坦克无缘国战


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

