

  These changes are based on SUPERTEST 9.3, might be a bit different in test 9.3


  - all light tanks (except for Type 62, strangely enough) got their suspensions buffed by cca 10 percent (10-20 hitpoints)

  所有轻坦(除了62式)悬挂血量加强10% (10-20 血值)

  - Jagdpanther 88mm L/56 depression nerfed from -8 to -5

  猎豹 88mmL56炮俯角从-8°削弱到-5°

  - repair costs for VK3601 lowered by 25 percent


  - T49 tank destroyer renamed to T67

  T49 TD重命名为T67

  - T71 light tank and T69 medium T185 gun made more expensive (63k to 73k credits)


  - interestingly enough, SU-76I was buffed, which implies this vehicle might be implemented into the game

  有趣的是,SU-76I 加强了,这也意味着该车或许会加入游戏中。


  - stock tracks terrain resistance nerfed from 1,2/1,4/2,3 to 1,2/1,5/2,3, traverse nerfed from 22 to 20

  白板履带适应性削弱:从1,2/1,4/2,3 ——1,2/1,5/2,3;转速削弱:从22-20

  - elite tracks terrain resistance nerfed from 1,1/1,3/2,1 to 1,1/1,4/2,1, traverse nerfed from 24 to 22

  精英履带适应削弱:从1,1/1,3/2,1 ——1,1/1,4/2,1,转速削弱:从24-22

  - accuracy loss after moving nerfed from 0,36 to 0,38


  - Q.F. 25-Pr. Gun/How. reload nerfed from 8,6 to 8,9s, aimtime nerfed from 4,5 to 4,8s, shot dispersion factor after moving the gun and after shot nerfed from 0,36/5 to 0,42/6

  .F. 25-Pr. 炮装弹时间从8.6削弱到8.9秒,瞄准时间从4.5削到4.8秒,移动和开火后的射击散布系数从0,36/5 削到0,42/6

  - 4.5in Howitzer reload nerfed from 12 to 13,5s, aimtime nerfed from 4,5 to 4,8s, shot dispersion factor after turret rotation and after shot nerfed from 0,36/5 to 0,42/6

  4.5英寸榴弹炮装弹时间从12秒削弱到13.5秒,瞄准从4.5削到4.8,转动炮塔和开火后的准星散布系数从0,36/5 削到 0,42/6


  - reverse speed nerfed from 8 km/h to 6 km/h

  倒车速度从8 km/h 削到 6 km/h

  - hitpoints nerfed by 5


  - stock tracks terrain resistance nerfed from 1,4/1,7/2,7 to 2/2,2/2,9, traverse nerfed from 28 to 18

  白板履带适应性从1,4/1,7/2,7 削到2/2,2/2,9, 转速从28大砍到18

  - elite tracks terrain resistance nerfed from 1,3/1,5/2,5 to 1,9/2,1/2,8, traverse nerfed from 30 to 22

  精英履带适应性从 1,3/1,5/2,5 削到 1,9/2,1/2,8, 转速从30削弱到22

  - 75mm M1A1 reload nerfed from 4,8s to 5,2s, shot dispersion factor after moving the gun nerfed from 0,16 to 0,18

  75 mmM1A1炮装弹时间从4.8削到5.2秒,主炮移动后的准星散布系数从0.16削到0.18

  - 2pdr reload nerfed from 2,1s to 2,5s, shot dispersion factor after moving the gun nerfed from 0,12 to 0,14



  - stock tracks accuracy on the move and when turning nerfed by 60 percent


  - terrain resistance for stock tracks nerfed (soft/medium/hard) by 9/14/9 percent


  - elite tracks accuracy on the move and when turning nerfed by 57 percent


  - terrain resistance for elite tracks nerfed (soft/medium/hard) by 10/17/10 percent

  精英履带适应性削弱10/17/10 %

  - maxium reverse speed nerfed from 20 to 12 km/h


  - 76mm M1A2 AT accuracy loss from turning the turret nerfed by 12 percent

  76mm M1A2AT在炮塔转动过程中的精度丢失削弱12%

  - 90mm M3 reload time nerfed from 8s to 8,5s, accuracy loss from turning the turret nerfed by 25 percent

  90mm M3Z装弹时间从8秒削到8.5,转动炮塔后的精度损失削弱25%

  T57 Heavy:

  - aimtime nerfed from 2,7 to 2,9


  - accuracy loss from moving the turret nerfed by 30 percent


  - accuracy loss from moving and turning the hull nerfed by 25 percent


  - accuracy loss from moving at full speed nerfed by 25 percent



  M5 Stuart: M5斯图亚特

  (apart from being reworked, losing the 75mm gun and the turret changed)


  - maximum speed buffed from 58 to 64,4


  - terrain resistance buffed by cca 10 percent


  - elite traverse speed nerfed from 45 to 42


  - health buffed by 24 hitpoints


  T92 SPG:

  - accuracy loss from moving the gun buffed from 0,64 to 0,62


  - accuracy loss from moving or turning the hull buffed from 0,38 to 0,34


  - accuracy on the move buffed by cca 10 percent


  - terrain resistance buffed from 1,2/1,4/2,3 to 1,1/1,2/1,9

  履带适应性加强:从1,2/1,4/2,3 ——1,1/1,2/1,9


  - stock turret: 100mm D-10T reload buffed from 9,3s to 7,8s, aimtime buffed from 2,9s to 2,7s, accuracy buffed from 0,42 to 0,38, accuracy when turning the turret buffed by cca 23 percent

  在白板炮塔上:100mm D-10T 炮装弹时间从9.3加强到7.8秒,瞄准时间从2.9加 到2.7,精度从0.42加强到0.38,炮塔转动时的精度大概加强23%

  - elite turret: 100mm D-10T reload buffed from 9,3s to 7,6s, aimtime buffed from 2,9s to 2,7s, accuracy buffed from 0,42 to 0,38, accuracy when turning the turret buffed by cca 23 percent

  在精英炮塔上:100mm D-10T 炮的装弹时间从9.3加强到7.6秒,瞄准时间从2.9加 到2.7秒,精度从0.42加到0.38,炮塔转动精度大概加强23%

  Object 430:

  - 100mm U-8TS reload buffed from 6,9s to 6,4s, accuracy nerfed from 0,35 to 0,38, accuracy loss after moving the turret buffed by cca 33 percent

  100mm U-8TS 炮的装弹时间从6.9加 到6.4秒,精度从0.35削到0.38,炮塔移动后的精度丢失加强大约33%

上一篇:坦克世界9月3日你问我答 萤火虫线轻型坦克公布 下一篇:坦克世界9.3超测服:新加入轻坦数据总览


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

