新法系中坦线前瞻 AMX-30线或于明年加入
as youprobably already realized, the French tree is possibly the most neglected treein World of Tanks. Of course, there is a reason for that and we’ll get to that,but for now, we have some good news: the AMX-30 branch (or “branch”, you’llsee) is scheduled to come in 2015, as was previously confirmed by Storm. 你也许知道,法国线是WOT里被无视得最厉害的一条线。当然这是事出有因的,不过现在有个好消息:AMX-30线计划在2015年加入游戏,就像之前Storm确认的那样。 So, thewill to improve the French is there, but the real question is: is it even possible? 想加强法国科技树的意向摆在这,但是问题是:这可行吗? There isa reason the French branch was neglected. The reason is: “insufficient data”.While it might seem odd to you, considering the French were very active intheir armor research after the war, there are very few candidates for thehightier medium tank positions – and by very few, I mean none at all. Let’shave a look at the branch itself then. 新的法国线老是被无视是有原因的,就是“数据不足”。虽然这听起来比较奇怪,但是考虑到法国人在战后用极高的热情进行着新型装甲的研制,可以放在游戏中作为高级MT的候选实际上很少---很少并不意味着没有。今天咱就来看看这条线 Thisabove is the first (and last) concept of the AMX-30 branch, as it was disclosedtwo years ago. Most AMX-30 branch player proposals incorporate this sort ofline in them. I asked around how viable this concept is now, two years laterand the answer was – not at all. Thiswill simply not happen. The main reasons for that is thatG1P on tier 7 would have to be overbuffed and that AMX-45 is a heavy tank, nota medium. As a “bonus”, very little is known about it and generally noonereally likes this kind of setup. In orderto build a fullblown branch, we’d have to look for alternatives for tier 7-8and there are unfortunately none, at least nothing that would be well known orfitting (ironically, there is a SHITLOAD of candidates for tier 4-6 – apartfrom the missing Somua S35, there were many G program projects such as the G1L,G1P and such). The only thing that comes to my mind as an alternative would beto “redesignate” the AMX tank destroyer project to a medium tank, but as youcan imagine, noone is really keen on doing that either (besides, WG alreadyapparently has another plans for that project). 上图是第一份(也是最后一份)AMX-30线的概念图,是2年前发布的。大多数玩家提出的AMX-30线方案与它或多或少都有相似之处。SS问了问这个方案是否可行,但得到的答案---即使是在2年后,也是不可行的。主要的原因就是G1P要放在7级要经过不合历史的buff,AMX-45也是个HT,也不是MT。不过好在关于这车的资料也很少,而且几乎没有人喜欢这车的配置。为了开一条相对完整的线,我们就得找到可以放在7-8级的替代,但是暂时还没找到合适的(讽刺的是,4-6级倒是有大堆大堆的候选---除开索玛S35,还有很多代号G的项目,比如说G1L,G1P之类的)。SS唯一记得的就是变更了代号的AMX坦克歼击车项目,名称从TD变成了MT,不过你也能够想出来,没人会喜欢这种事(不过WG也找到了替代的方案) To sum itup, there is practically no way how to build the AMX-30 branch. So, what I think willhappen is this: AMX-13/90 line will beprolonged to tier 10 as such: AMX-13/75, AMX-13/90, AMX-30 Prototype and AMX-30.Wargaming could actually avoid the awkward “prototype” by introducingAMX-13/105 on tier 9 – as a medium tank (!), to “cheat” the “no tier 9 LT”demand. Of course, it might sound a bit strange, but consider this: some armies(notably the Swiss) considered the AMX-13 to be a tank destroyer, not a lighttank, so a little “re-designation” is not that unhistorical. But that’s of coursenot likely. 总而言之,要弄出AMX-30线基本上是没法的。所以SS想法国线可能发生如下变动:从AMX-13/90会支出另一条线,并会延长到10级,即AMX-13/75,AMX-13/90,AMX-30原型车和AMX-30。当然WG也可以通过引入AMX-13/105(是MT,不是你们所想的9级LT)放在9级来替代略显奇怪的AMX-30原型车。当然这听起来会比较怪,但是想想AMX-13在某些国家(如瑞士)是作为TD使用,所以所谓的“代号变更”也就不那么不历史了。不过这种事不太可能发生。 TheAMX-30 prototype itself – there were several stages and – unlike with theLeopard prototype, Wargaming has enough material to create at least one,specifically the AMX-30A. Some time ago, pictures were published on FTR of the only survivingprototype at Saumur, but there are other stages as well, for example this one –this is the first prototype: AMX-30原型车有好几个阶段,和豹1原型车不同的是,WG有充足的资料在游戏中弄出至少一部,尤其是AMX-30A。不过还有其它阶段,比如说下图这个:第一部原型车 This isthe second prototype: 下面是第二部原型车 They allhave 105mm guns apparently so that might be a problem, but overall, I dobelieve there is enough graphical material to created the prototype AMX-30correctly. As for the AMX-30B on tier 10, I guess we could get the 0-series or1-series vehicle, that looks like this (again, photos by Dr.Pikouz): 它们都装备有105mm炮,所以可能会是个问题,但是总体上说,还是有足够的图片资料来正确的为游戏中的AMX-30建模。至于10级的AMX-30B,我们可能会得到0系列或1系列的坦克,看起来如下图所示 Unfortunately,the cold truth is that unlike with the British (or German and Soviet) vehicles,Wargaming does not have anyone “digging” the archives for cool stuff or runningaround, measuring vehicles’ armor and has to rely on books, photographs andinternet info. If someone was interested in digging some French archives,Wargaming would certainly find a way to compensate him for the trouble – incase you are such a person, do write me via e-mail, please – or use the contactform here in the blog. I can arrange a contact. 不幸的是,和苏联与德国战车不同的是,WG并没有专门派人去法国的档案馆里找一些看起来很NB的玩意,或是实地测量装甲,他们只能依靠书本,照片和网上的消息。如果你愿意给WG去法国找资料,那就赶快写信给SS吧,WG不会亏待你的。 [编辑:不详]