2014-09-09 23:56来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Developer 7 (RU): To allSoO designers, the new priority has shifted to increase localizations, WoTBlitz, WoWp, WoWs and WoT: generals are underway. Game balance should not bemore than 6 people at once for the time being, Artillery is not a priorityanytime anymore, inform the forum managers on clusters. 开发者7(俄服):新的工作中心已经转移至WoT闪电战,WoWp,WoWs和WoT:将军上。进行平衡游戏的工作人员一次不能超过6人。告诉各个服务器的论坛管理员,火炮将不再是优先处理的对象 And now, months later, just a few months ago… 现在,几个月之后,就是几个月之前 Developer 9 (RU): Calledit, now Tank destroyers are the new “hot spot” for whine, plans? 开发者9(俄服):果不出所料,现在论坛上又开始抱怨TD了 Developer 1 (RU): sad, sadsad truth, we are waiting on the new data feed, the priority list is Hellcat,T49, T18, Tortoise, all waffentrager line, mind the new 1.18 camouflageremodels, its a work in progress, we may break something, i dont adviseapplying anything related to camouflage until new physics model arrives in 9.5. 开发者1(俄服):悲哀,悲哀,真是太悲哀了,我们又要等新的数据反馈,优先进行削弱的名单包括地狱猫,T49,T18,土龟,整条武器运载车线,还要注意经过重制的1.18隐蔽系统还在弄,我们很有可能弄砸一些东西,所以在9.5的新运动效果引入之前都不要动与隐蔽系数相关的数据 Whine never changes, called it, now we fix the mess, but artillery wont bebuffed, the numbers are being maintained, prodding with artillery wont be evenlooked out for, look for alternatives 抱怨从来不会停歇的,还真就像SerB说的那样,现在我们会修正这一错误,但我们不会加强火炮,它们的数量已经基本稳定了 Note: FV304 is candidate for review, win ratio exceeds 52% global perhaps theonly one of the SPG lines the new target win rate is 49% global as usual. 注意:FV304已经被列入观察列表,全服的胜率超过了52%,它也许是所有SPG中胜率最高的,而现在新的全服平均胜率是49% Developer 8 (RU): Peoplestill complaining about arty? you have to be a masochist to play it already, orhave a really dumb moment on the open to get hit by one, but i agree on the FV 开发者8(俄服):玩家还在抱怨火炮?现在还玩火炮简直只有受虐狂才能做得出来,在开阔地上要命中移动目标简直都是要去烧香拜佛的事,但我很赞同削弱FV304 Developer 10 (presumablyUS): USA calls it “skycancer” this days 开发者10(暂定来自美服):咱美服的玩家管它叫“空中死神(癌症)” Developer 5 (RU): Its thesame with some Europeans against Poland, its disgusting to hear immatureplayerbase, and will be ignored rightly so, PR already received complains andhave handed permanent bans to vocal players in battle chats — most offendersare from UK/Germany/Czech based on report counts, least comes from Italy andPoland — 2 death treats handed to authorities, both from Czech Republic. Andplease refrain from talking related to cancer, *redacted* wife was recentlydiagnosed with cancer and is undertaking medical care, some players dont evenknow what they want and talk out of their… butt, and toss tantrums because youknow.. “internet” 开发者5(俄服):这事就和一些欧洲人厌恶波兰人一样,听见这帮naïve的玩家成天抱怨就火大,从现在开始就无视他们。公关部门收到了好些抱怨,并对那些在战斗中聊天频道中的喷子进行了永封---大多数来自英国/德国/捷克---封禁的依据是玩家受到的举报数。被封最少的来自意大利和波兰---有人还送给WG办事处2份死亡威胁,都来自捷克共和国。所以请不要再提和“癌症”和“快接受治疗”一类的话语。有的玩家突然爆发,满口喷粪…因为…网络嘛,你懂的 Developer 11 (US): Usuallybanned/disgruntled players are thriving in a forum called wotlabs.net, playersthat dislike arty/TDs are led by a banned player on the forums. 开发者11(美服):一般被封/黑名单的玩家都会在一个叫wotlab.net的论坛上嚎,不喜欢火炮/TD的那些人大部分都是被这个论坛里一个被封的玩家带起来的 Anyways, sorry tointerrupt but i have a major problem with the phyton files and *redacted* is onbreak again (hes now in Poland on business trip to set up the new localizationteam), is there going to be changes of the tanks names? the phyton refers a fewtanks with different names as usual and i already got mails from Chicago teamsaying they have no idea. 抱歉插句话,我这的Phyton文件出了个严重问题,“编写”一栏又出问题了(现在在波兰出差,创建定位团队)。坦克名字有改变了吗?Phyton通常指名字不同的几部坦克,而且我也收到了芝加哥团队的回复,称他们也不知道为什么 Developer 10 (presumablyUS): Sorry for the cancer remark, will refrain from now on, however now playerscomplain about “invisible TD tanks”, it is to assume this is an aftereffect ofthe artillery demotion? 开发者10(暂定来自美服):抱歉那个癌症的笑话,现在开始就不会再提了。不过玩家们又开始抱怨“看不见的TD”,难道又是火炮挨刀之后出现的后果? Developer 1 (RU): I vecorrected the phyton files, should be reflected on your Sisulizer localizationprogram now :) Yes its an aftereffect as expected, Tank Destroyer players haveincreased by 40% in data feeds however their win ratios are maintained, its nota problem for now, Kruta and Grom are maintaining a look at it. 开发者1(俄服):我已经改正了Phyton文件,应该在你们的Sisulizer定位程序中体现得出来:)。嘛,这是我们预料到的可能出现的结果,从统计上看TD的数量大约增加了40%,但胜率却保持在一个相对稳定的水平,目前来看这不是一个问题。Storm和Grom正在持续关注此事 New priority is in: lighttanks must be remodeled to increase “likeability”, as it stands they are poorperformers and unwanted, only increasing players leaning towards medium tanksand Tank destroyers, however if we overbuff it will cause dispairing, A newmodel is being researched. 新的工作重心是:新坦克必须重制以增加它们在玩家中的受欢迎程度,因为它们在游戏中的表现都乏善可陈,而且WG并不希望出现越来越多的MT,TD玩家。但是如果Buff轻坦过头了的话那也会让人失望。正在研究重制的方法 Developer 12 (EU): RIPArty, leave it alone already! if they get hit its their fault, despite how muchthey deny it, no win ratio can be maintained above 50% by playing pureartillery unlike any other tank and no player exists like that despite claims. 开发者12(欧服):愿火炮安息,就别管它了吧!如果那帮人被火炮撸中了,不管他们是否承认,那只能说是他们的问题。和其它坦克不同,但只玩火炮胜率超过50%的玩家我还没见过!论坛上有人说有这种人?7100大神?不管你信不信反正我是不信。 So what do you think? Well, SerB called it andit happened, the dominance of TD’s that led to another round of nerfs. Themoral of the story is: Wargaming people know what they are doing. Usually. 所以你怎么看?嘛,SerB是这样预测的,事实也这样发生了。TD主导的情况导致了另一轮的锉刀风暴。这个故事的精髓在于,WG知道它们在做什么,一直都是。 |