坦克世界9月9日你问我答 地狱猫履带bug将修复
Not much today. - you can see the number of online people on the server, when you press “Escape”, in the menu 在菜单中按下“ESC”键仍旧可以看到服务器的在线人数。 - Storm is aware of the Hellcat track bug in 9.3, it will be fixed Storm知道了地狱猫履带bug,会进行修复。 - in 9.3, Churchill III XP is bugged as hell (SS: one player shown statistics with 19900 average XP per battle), this will be fixed 在9.3,丘吉尔III的经验收益上存在bug(SS:某玩家每场战斗平均能获得19900的经验),将会进行修复 [编辑:不详]