坦克世界9月18日你问我答 9.3轻坦地面通过性提高
Storm on new physics: “In the newphysics, the interaction between the vehicle and small obstacles andirregularities on the ground is completely different. When going over suchspots, the tanks lose much less speed, shrugging these obstacles off by thework of its suspension. It’s much easier to keep thetarget in your sights without losing your speed. I consider one of the positiveaspects of new physics.” 在谈及新的物理系统时,Storm表示,车辆在小障碍和不规则地面之间的计算式完全不同的,在这些地形对悬挂的影响将会更小,也就意味着在尽可能的保持速度时,你可以更准确地锁定目标,我认为这是新的物理系统的积极的一面。 - Storm confirms that the Chieftain in thegame will be Mk.2 (SS: he was mistaken before with Mk.3, not a hard mistake todo, since Vickers MBT Mk.3 was considered for WoT) Storm表示未来的酋长坦克是MK.2型,而不是之前透露的MK.3(SS:丫可能把VickersMK.3和Chieftain MK.3搞混了,VickersMK.3以前也考虑过加入WOT的。 developers are not making the Chieftain modelyet, it will be scanned in Bovington first 开发人员还没开始做酋长坦克的模型,他们得先去Bovington采集数据 hieftain and the FV4202 switch will not comethis year apparently 酋长和FV4202的替换不会在今年进行。 IS-7 “rectangular” gun barrel will be fixedlater -7的矩形炮筒稍后会进行修复。 - reworked historical battles willdefinitely not come in 2014 重做后的历史战不会在2014年更新。 vehicles in new historical battles will be“historical”, but which ones exactly will be used is not decided yet 历史战将会更加的历史,但是怎么个历史法还没确定。 - Chaffee 43k XP compensation will NOT befree XP 霞飞的补偿经验将只会是个体经验(新霞飞只需要一万左右经验,原来的43K只会变成个体经验)。 - tank corpses (destroyed tank hulls) donot ricochet in 9.3, only tanks that are alive do 在9.3版本中,被摧毁的坦克尸体不会跳蛋,只有还活着的会。 Chinese tank crew setup (where the radiomanposition switches from one crewmember to another) will be fixed C系通讯兵转移后错位的BUG将会修复。 - T-54 HD model does not correspond the T-54 Light HD model. T-54的HD模型并不和T-54(轻型)HD模型一致。 T-54model has to be fixed according to Storm Storm说:T-54的模型将会修复。 - the “sunk turret” bug on RU251 was fixed RU251的炮塔下沉BUG将会修复。 M41 Walker Bulldog has a small mistake withthe gunclipping apparently it will be fixed in 9.4. M41斗牛犬的弹夹BUG将会在9.4修复。 - E-50M is fine, when it comes to gundepression, model won’t be changed E-50M的俯角还好啦,她的模型不会修改的。 - it’s unfortunately not possible fortechnical reasons to make more detailed depression setup – for example, if agun can depress in frontal sector only to -7 degrees due to – say – periscopeson the hull (Panther case), it’s not possible to make the gun depress more,when it’s aiming forward between those periscopes. It’s possible in theory, butit would be resource-consuming to develop and would bring only small gain 因为技术原因,我们不能做更精细的设置了,拿黑豹举例说,如果正面俯角有-7度,但实际不该这么大的,因为她的前面潜望镜挡住了,但我们不会去做这个影响效果的(因为他意义不大而耗时费力不小)。 no plans to buff “121〃 tank in forseeablefuture 目前没有BUFF121的计划。 - Storm states that the theory that Mausstats are higher than they should be because more experienced players play itthan for example IS-7 was checked by WG and proven false Storm 表示鼠爷的数据统计虚高了,老鼠玩家群体并不比其他玩家高,wg应重新统计老鼠数据。 - Veider regarding the situation where thenew LT’s have very good terrain passability and therefore, they can “hide” fromother classes hunting them on places, that cannot be reached normally: “That’swhat the base capture mechanism is in the game for.” 新的LT有很好的通过性,所以他们能游走在其他车无法到达的地方,这就可以调戏全歼党,这就是占旗机制在游戏中的体现。 [编辑:不详]