坦克世界9月19日你问我答 火焰鲁别克地图将移除
2014-09-25 23:02来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
- Ruineberg on Fire will be completely removed. It will be replaced by a winter Ruinberg version. 火焰鲁别克将会被全面移除,取而代之的是冬季鲁别克。 - new motion physics will not come in 9.4, but later 新的物理运动效果将不会在9.4到来。但会在之后到来。 - developers are still working on bigger maps 毛子正在制作更多尺寸的地图。 - Storm states that it is necessery to find a balance in the amount of bushes on maps. Too few are bad, but there are sometimes too many “shooting bushes” out there. Storm指出,毛子正在寻找对灌木的平衡点,太少了是不好的。但是(如果多了的话)蹲逼就会大大增加。 - once upon a time, long time ago, there was a map called “Savannah”. Developers decided not to implement it, because arty was dominating on it and there was nowhere to hide. 很久很久以前,有一张名为“萨凡纳”的地图,不过毛子没有弄进游戏,因为这张图上面,火炮就是大爷,其他车子无处可藏。 - the Chaffee Race mode is also temporary, just like the soccer and Karl modes were, there will be a medal and the Chaffee will be handed out for free 新出的霞飞竞速赛也将是随机分配的和世界杯足球赛,红白机卡尔一样。当然将会有一辆特殊的霞飞赠送给玩家。 - Storm states that some FPS loss reports reported lately could not be proven on computers of the same configuration Storm指出,一些丢帧报告不能证明是在相似配置的电脑上发生的。 according to WG sources, patch 9.3 is going to come out either on Monday or on Tuesday next week (22.9. or 23.9.). As usual, delays are possible (this patch proved itself to be exceptionally buggy). 根据WG给的消息,9.3可能会在下周一或者下周二(九月22号或者23号)发布,但是也可能会延期。 [编辑:不详]