铁头再增强 9.3版本IS-7炮塔加强方案
2014-09-18 00:03来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
in Test3, IS-7 turret armor was made a bit thicker. The lower part of the armor nearthe mantlet (you can see the zone becoming “more red” on the picture) wasbuffed from 240mm to 270mm, making the turret harder to penetrate (followingnumerous complaints of RU players, because IS-7 is the favourite tier 10 heavyon RU server). Overall it’s a buff, since on the old model (0.9.2), the samearea is 240mm thick. Open the post for a (large) picture. 在3测中,-7的炮塔变得更厚了些,炮塔正面下部靠近炮盾的部分厚度从240mm加强到270mm(颜色变得更红),使得炮塔正面更加难以被击穿(这是俄服玩家抱怨的缘故,因为-7是俄服上最受欢迎的10级HT)。总体上说这是一个buff,因为直到9.2同样的区域都是240mm Pleasenote that the armor zone behind and straight below the mantlet remains 240mmthick. 在炮盾后方的区域还是240mm [编辑:不详]