坦克世界9.4版本 马利诺夫卡地图变动
2014-09-18 00:03来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
apparently, in 9.4, Malinovka and Swamp are recieving an overhaul. Here’s how. 9.4中马利诺夫卡和黑暗沼泽有一些变动。 Malinovka – the southern base will recieve more cover it seems. 马利诺夫卡-东边的出身地有了更多的掩体。 Swamp – as announced earlier, Swamp is getting an overhaul as well. The hills in the middle are changed, plus north-east recieved some more cover. 与之前说的一样,山中间一部分有了些变动,地图东北部分添加了更多的掩体 [编辑:不详]