坦克世界9.3版本 二测模型变化动态演示
2014-09-18 00:03来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Hello everyone, 大家好, Test 2 of 9.3 brought allegedly some model fixes. Let’s have a look at them. 据说9.3的二测带来了一些模型修正,让我们来看看。 Generally speaking, it’s pretty much always some small thing. I was not able to notice most of them. The IS-7 model got fixed (here, the bug where the barrel is displayed in low quality in the game was not fixed, they only fixed the muzzle brake, which seems to be the change the patch mentions), ISU-152 as well (same issue, gun was in low res, was fixed). 总的来说,很多修正都是一些小东西。大部分修正我都没法注意到。IS-7的模型得到了修复(事实上BUG是使得炮管以低分辨率显示,在这个版本中并没有得到完全修复,它们只修复了炮口制退器部分,和补丁说明的不同),ISU-152也一样(同样的问题,炮低画质,被修复了)。 I did not notice any changes on Jagdpanther, LTTB, Hellcat (here, the track bug was probably fixed), Chaffee, Walker Bulldog, T-34, T-34/85M – these changes probably involve something really tiny, or stuff invisible with viewers, such as track display. 我没注意到猎豹,LTTB,地狱猫(很可能履带BUG被修复了),霞飞,沃克猛犬,T-34,T-34/85M有任何的变化-这些变化也许很细小,或者用tank viewers软件不可见,比如履带效果等。 KV-1S got changed a tiny bit in the sense that the roadwheels became a bit darker. KV-1S感觉上有一点点变化,他的承重轮变暗了一点 Funnily enough, they screwed the RU251 model up, they sunk the turret into the hull. 滑稽的是,它们把RU251的炮塔往车体里拧进去了一点 T49 got a bit more scraped – notice the turret texture and headlights T49刮擦了一点-注意炮塔材质和车头灯 [编辑:不详]