坦克世界9月16日你问我答 轻坦的视野或增强
2014-09-16 23:39来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Oddly enough, there was a case on RU server, where a WG employee(community or something) “stole” a nickname from a 0 battle account(“Superman”). Why can’t we have that officially? I bet there are plenty of goodnicknames belonging to 0 battle accounts, that logged in once – in 2012. 在俄服有个奇怪的事。在俄服有个状况,一个WG的工作人员(大概是社团什么的)从0战斗场次的账号中“窃取”了一个昵称(“Superman”)。为啥官方不让我们做这事呢?我打赌,很多0场次的账号拥有很多不错的昵称,这些都是在曾经——2012年注册的。 - it’s possible that there will be a medal (award) for killingsomeone with a ricocheted shell 有可能会增加一个靠跳弹收掉敌人人头的奖章。 - mantlet thickness of Object 263 is 250mm, there are no “holes”in it Obj263的炮盾厚度是250mm,上面没有“弱点”。 - there are no publicly accessible data about the mantlet armorof Object 263 available 没找到(可得到的)公开的Obj263炮盾装甲的数据。 - Q: “Why is the KV-85 100mm rate of fire so high, it’s higherthan the one of D-10S on SU-100?” A: “The reason of this rate of fire is gamebalance. SU-100 can mount the D-10S gun, which has a different set ofcharacteristics than the corresponding S-34, mounted on KV-85 – for examplemore penetration (175 vs 170 of KV-85). Therefore, it’s nothing unusual thatthere are differences in other characteristics as well. At the same time, the“top” gun of the SU-100 in the game is 122mm, which makes the vehicle equal toother vehicles of its tier in combat characteristics. During the balancingphase, the stats of the D-10T gun, mounted on the IS tank, were brought to sucha level as to correspond the S-34 on KV-85 in order not to be inferior to it asa part of the characteristics continuity withing one tank branch.” Q:“为什么KV-85的100mm炮的射速这么高,甚至高于SU-100的D-10S?” A:“这方面射速的原因是游戏平衡。SU-100能安装D-10S炮,相比较于S-34装在SU-100上,这方面有一组不同的特点,比如穿深更高了(175 vs KV-85的170)。所以,在其它特点中的不同点也没什么不正常的。同时,游戏中SU-100的顶级炮是122mm,这使得它与其他车在战斗特点中的等级相平等。在平衡阶段,装在IS上的D-10T的统计数据被拿到这一水平和KV-85上的S-34相比较,考虑到为了在同一条科技树上的延续性,我们不能给它一门太弱的炮。” - the crew role change is not difficult to implementtechnically, it will come 车组人员职位的改变从技术上来讲不难实现,会有的。 - 9.3 ricochet angle calculation and its following trajectorywill be calculated the same way it was in 9.2 9.3跳弹角度的计算和它接下去的运动轨迹将会和9.2的计算方式一样。 - it’s possible that in 9.4, the Type 62 crew setup will bechanged to correspond the one of WZ-131 有可能在9.4中,62式的车组人员配置会被改变,以对应WZ-131。 - Storm states that even if the developers wanted to give freeXP compensation for Chaffee now, there’s no time left to do it anyway beforethe patch is released Storm声明,开发者曾经想把全局经验给霞飞作为补偿,但在补丁发布之前已经来不及改了。 - developers will try to implement increased view range for theentire light tank class 开发者将会尝试给所有轻坦增加视野范围。 [编辑:不详]