无装甲坦克亮相 M56蝎式图片和基本数据
Statistics for 100 percent crew, preliminary price is 10k gold. 100%成员下的数据,初步价格是1万金币 Tier: 8 Premium (regular tier 8 TD MM)——8级金币车,普通8级TD的分房 车辆血值:Hitpoints: 1050 坦克重量:Weight: 7,144 tons 引擎马力:Engine power: 200 hp 推重比:Power-to-weight: 28 hp/t 前后极速:Maximum speed: 45/12 km/h 适应性:Terrain resistance: 1,055/1,247/1,726 车体转速:Hull traverse: 34 deg/s 视野范围:Viewrange: 400 通讯距离:Radiorange: 500 Armor: 0/0/0 (yes, this is correct – no armor at all, the gun shield has some armor but is very thin, cca 15mm I think) 装甲: 0/0/0 (是的,没错——根本就没装甲,炮盾有点,我想 大概15mm(Q&A里提到是5mm)) 炮:Gun: 90mm 穿深:Penetration: 219 伤害:Damage: 240 单位输出:DPM: 1854 装弹时间:Reload time: 7,767s 射速:ROF: 7,725 精度:Accuracy: 0,288 瞄准时间:Aimtime: 2,01s 炮俯角:Depression: -10 炮射界:Gun traverse angle: 60 degrees (VERY good accuracy on the move——移动精度很好) [编辑:不详]