

2014-09-11 23:56来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载

  recently,Storm openly confirmed that the Sturmtiger will not be implemented. From what Iheard on Russian server – it’s connected to an incident, where on thesupertest, Storm took a Sturmtiger for a spin and out of three shots, heoneshotted IS-7, Maus and E-100. Whether that’s true – well, that’s notconfirmed, but it would certainly explain his distaste for such a gamebreakingvehicle.


  Regardless,it’s true that a 380mm rocket mortar cannot effectively be balanced in thegame, at least using “regular” rules. Sure, you could just give it a smallalpha (on 183mm level), but that would be strange and illogical. Plus, it seemsthat’s already decided, so now the real question is, what to do with the restof the line?


  Well…for starters, it has to be realized that by getting rid of the Sturmtiger, youare most likely getting rid of tier 8 and 9 as well. Early Wargaming thoughts,confirmed by Storm, were along the lines of:


  Tier 8 – Sturmpanzer Ferdinand (basically a Ferdinandwith 210mm mortar)


  Tier 9 – Sturmpanzer Bär


  Tier 10 – Sturmtiger


  Allthree have massive guns, starting with the 210mm, that, while a derp, wouldlikely be just as hard to balance on its tier (imagine a 210mm shell landing onyour tier 6). The Bär has a 305mm howitzer/mortar (good luck balancing thatagainst tier 7 vehicles), so it’s likely that these candidates took a trip tothe “scrapped” folder along with their tier 10 brother.


  Lowertiers however are entirely salvageable. Tier 5,6 and 7 would likely be SIG33,Sturmpanzer IV (incorrectly known as Brummbär, that name was apparently notused historically) and Sturmpanzer Panther, which is basically a Panther with a150mm short howitzer in the turret, it looks like this:


  Andyes, that is actually a historical project. The 150mm gun itself does not haveexactly stellar properties (do not be fooled by the caliber, the gun was notthat powerful – the HEAT shell could only penetrate some 150mm of armor) – infact, the Brummbär was confirmed to be “fine” with it, so we can assumeeverything from the line up to tier 7 is useable and we are now missing onlytier 8,9 and 10.




  It’s worth noting that considering thedifficulty of finding high tier candidates for third German line, it’s muchmore likely that the vehicles, such as the Brummbär, will be turned intopremium tanks. That would however be a shame, as (unlike other, paperprojects), these self-propelled guns had their role in the war and reallyfought.


  Thus, what could be done is this:


  - scrap the tier 7 as well


  - replace tier 7-9 with Waffenträgers(specifically Ardelt, Steyr and Panther)


  - make StuG Maus a tier 10


  Thus,you would create a “hybrid” line, filled with derp on low tiers andWaffenträgers on high tiers. Sure, you might ask: “Do we really need moreWaffenträgers?” – and the answer is likely “no”, but it is the only way(including paper projects) of salvaging the line by putting, something that actually can bebalanced on high tiers.




  There were many proposals and poject to put a big gun (88mm, 128mm andeven 150mm) on cheap chassis, usually based on or connected to the 38t and 38dplatforms, the first being the hull of the – by then obsolete – Panzer 38t, thelatter being a wider hull, based on the 38t technology, but modified for Germanproduction, since the original 38t chassis – considered to be one of the threechassis to be produced by the end of the war along with Panther and Tiger II –was specifically designed for Czechoslovak production methods that couldn’t bereplicated without difficulty in the Reich.


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  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

