2014-09-10 23:56来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Hello everyone, Storm is asking for the 9.3 feedback – new tanks, reworked Murovanka, new AFK punishment system, hangar interface and others. Storm正寻求9.3的反馈意见——关于新车,重做的穆勒万卡,新的AFK惩罚系统,车库界面以及其它的东西。 So, those of you who tested, what do you think? 因此,那些测试的玩家,你们觉得怎么样? From the discussion: - the new hangar interface doesn’t show the amount of people online on the server, Storm considers this not needed 新的车库界面并没有显示在线人数,Storm认为没那个必要 - Storm apparently does not consider the T49 152mm derp “imbalanced” (“You have a gun like that on tier 5″) Storm不认为T49 的152喷子炮 “不平衡” - Storm states that noone is really expecting the new hangar UI to work in 1024*768 resolution (lack of space) Storm表示没人要求新车库界面要工作在1024*768分辨率下 - in 9.3, the suicide detection system is apparently a bit bugged: the artillery, that shoots an enemy at close range and the splash kills it too now counts as “suicide”, while it should not be so. 在9.3,自杀检测系统有一点点bug:火炮在近距离直射敌人时,溅射也会误杀自己,系统把这种情况也计算在“自杀”之内,当然其实不应该这样。 [编辑:不详]