2014-09-11 23:56来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
this is the upcoming tier 8 German premium tank. Basically, it’s exactly what the name suggests – Panther with Schmalturm and 88mm L/71. The description reads: 下图就是即将来到的德系8级金币车,总的来说,就像名字所示的那样,这是一辆狭长型的黑豹并且装有长88. The work on modifying the “Panther” in order to carry the new turret type (“Schmalturm”) began already in Spring 1944. In order to differentiate it from the previous model, it recieved the Panther Ausf.F designation. On 23.1.1945, colonel Holzhauer reported on the development of the installation of the 88mm King Tiger gun in the modified version of that turret. Even though a significant number of the hulls was produced, the turret remained in the wooden mock-up stage. 在1944年春,为了能够装备新型炮塔,对黑豹坦克进行了修改。新修改的坦克命名为黑豹F型,目的是和以前的模型区分开。在1945年1月23日,Holzhauer上校报告了虎王88炮安装在改版炮塔上的开发进展,然而即便生产了够大的车体,这个炮塔仍旧停留在木头模型的阶段 Statistics for 100 percent crew, preliminary price is 11,5k gold. 100%成员的数据,初步价格定为11500金币 Tier: 8 级金币车 车辆血值:Hitpoints: 1500 坦克重量:Weight: 46,5 tons 引擎马力:Engine power: 600 hp —推重比:Power-to-weight: 12,9 hp/t 前后极速:Maximum speed: 46/20 km/h —适应性:Terrain resistance: 0,767/0,959/1,822 车体转速:Hull traverse: 36 deg/s 视野范围:Viewrange: 390 通讯距离:Radiorange: 573,6 车体装甲:Armor – hull: 80/50/? 炮塔装甲:Armor – turret: 120/60/? —— 炮:Gun: 88mm L/71 —— 穿深:Penetration: 203 主炮伤害:Damage: 240 单位输出:DPM: 2115 装弹时间:Reload time: 6,808s 射速:ROF: 8,813 精度:Accuracy: 0,307 瞄准时间:Aimtime: 2,4s 俯角:Depression: -2 (!) -主炮面向正面; -7°- 炮指向侧面 (this is odd, historically the design had -8/+15——有点怪,历史上俯仰角设计的是 -8/+15) 炮塔转速:Turret traverse rate: 29,2 deg/s [编辑:不详]