
坦克世界9月12日你问我答 WG内部认为中坦最好玩

2014-09-15 23:57来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载

  -some developers watch Markiplier and Pewdiepie on Youtube in their free time(SS: no idea who they are)


  - afew devs that play in their personal accounts have actually an average win rateof 52-54%


  - arecent inner poll showed medium tanks are considered the most fun to play, andthe least fun is artillery


  -developers from Minsk sometime watch streamers on USA/EU, but they never speak,they dislike players who cover up their maps with images while streaming(because it leads them to think they are hiding illegal mods)


  - afew of them (Maksim Chubov and Aleksei Seredin) like watching MightyJingles,but they didn’t like the nickname Jingles gave to the JPE-100 (SS: not surewhat the nickname is, anyone?). However, they respect him.


  - developers refuse to do any changes to UI or modsupport until after Havok, the reason is: “a lot of stuff will change, we wantto have clean interface first before even working on mod support, if any, butthe list of illegal mods will be lengthened after Havok introduction”


  - one developer (it’s Aleksei Seredin) is actuallylooking over data feeds on the USA cluster to find a “really good player”. Oncehe finds him, he will tag the player and track his battles with statistics andmay ask him a few questions personally if possible. He calls “really goodplayer” a player that doesn’t use platooning to inflate stats (something abouta % of battles without platooning) and has average high experience per battle,or is actually “nimble” and “aware”. He may or may not reveal who he really isto the player, whiny players will not be even asked. Likewise, he will do thesame for EU/RU clusters, which one he does first is still undisclosed (mostlikely RU, then EU).

  一位开发者(Aleksei Seredin)实际上在翻美服的战斗数据以找出一枚无双的睾丸,一旦找到,Alexi将会标记他,追踪他的战斗情况,有可能的话还会以个人名义谈下哲♂学。他口中的“高玩”是不用组队来保持(拉)胜率的(也就是看不组队场次的胜率),而且场均经验都很高,换句话说就是意识超神,走位风骚。他可能不会说这人是谁,那些成天没事瞎BB的玩家他看都不会看。类似的是,他也会对欧服/俄服做类似的调查,但是找出的第一名是谁同样是不会公布的

  - apparently, some time ago, the EU staff whinedthat players were actually asking direct questions on the Russian forums inRussian, instead of asking them “via official channels”, leading to theofficial news channel to be largely ignored, and to a large amount of peoplestarting reading FTR.


  - developers, SoO & PR staff are now fully awareof FTR and the “fun mode leak”, their responses are varied, the most fun is “ohshi- the CCCP is watching us!” and “in Soviet Russia…” jokes… :)


上一篇:坦克世界超测服新车数据:5级金币反坦StuG IV 下一篇:坦克世界9.3超测服:二测更新内容汇总


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

