
乌克兰迷雾局势 战机世界或面临开发危机

  World of Warplanes Development in Danger?


  Hello everyone,


  I am sure all of you are aware of what’s going on in Ukraine. Well, at least in general terms, as the actual situation seems to be very… fluid. In any case, you are probably also aware that as a retribution for Russian aggression, the European Union and the USA imposed various trade restrictions on Russia, which were recently confirmed to be in further effect.


  As a part of the entire restriction, according to this Ukrainian article (and other sources), the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (the government) approved series of anti-Russian restrictions, which came into effect on 12.9.2014.


  These restrictions include several points, but one point in particular (which was highlighted by Yuri Pasholok on his blog) is very relevant to Wargaming operations:


  заборони передачі технологій, прав на об’єкти права інтелектуальної власності резидентам Російської Федерації та особам, які прямо чи опосередковано контролюються резидентами Російської Федерації або діють в їх інтересах.

  “The prohibition on the transfer of technologies and rights to intellectual property to residents of Russian Federation and to persons, directly or indirectly controlled by Russian Federation residents or acting on their behalf.”


  As you also probably know, the World of Warplanes studio is located in Kiev. So I have to wonder – will this influence the World of Warplanes development? Yuri Pasholok mentions“thousands of outsourcers, 3D-modellers and artists, who are not responsible for who took control of Ukraine”. On the other hand, he probably means other Ukrainian outsourcers, working for Russian companies directly. I asked the resident of Kiev, Edrard and his opinion is that this change should not affect the business with Wargaming, as it technically is a British company and Big Boss Victor Kislyi (company CEO) is Belarussian.

  你也许知道,WoWp的工作室就设在基辅,所以难免会想,这是否会对WoWp的开发工作造成影响?Yuri提到“成百上千的外包商,3D建模者以及美工并不对乌克兰掌权者负有责任”,他可能指的是一些为俄国公司工作的乌克兰外包商。SS问了下基辅的居民,Edward,他的意见是这个条令并不会影响WG的商业运作,因为它是以英国公司名义注册的,而且CEO Victor Kislyi也是白俄罗斯人。

  Hmmm… I wonder if WoWp wins the Golden Donkey Joystick this year. If it does, well… I don’t have to finish that sentence, do I?


上一篇:坦克世界9.3版三测:新游戏界面的变化 下一篇:坦克世界9月16日你问我答 轻坦的视野或增强


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

