坦克世界9月15日你问我答 9.3版霞飞的经验补偿
2014-09-15 23:57来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
- neither Havok nor massive rebalance of vehicles was promised for 9.3 Havok引擎以及大规模的车辆平衡从没承诺过会在9.3实施。 - the “ground hole” on Ruinberg map was fixed in 9.3 鲁别克地图内地面上的坑会在9.3修复 - in 9.3, Chaffee XP compersation will not be awarded as free XP (it will be tied to the Chaffee) 在9.3,霞飞补偿的经验不会作为全局经验奖励给玩家 (只是绑定在霞飞的车上) - destroyed transmission and engine will not count towards “assist damage” bonus (as when you destroy the tracks) 摧毁传动装置和发动机不算在“协助伤害”的额外奖励内(当你打断履带的同时) - it’s possible that IS-7 will have the pintle-mounted machinegun returned, but it’s not certain 有可能IS-7的那个机枪会再次回到游戏中,但不能十分的确定。 - apparently, account transfers are not that difficult to implement, but permanent transfer options were never really discussed 帐号的转移实施起来不难,但永久性的转移方案从来没真正的讨论过。 [编辑:不详]