
9.3版本跳蛋机制变动 跳蛋后不会有TK惩罚

2014-09-18 00:03来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载

  Aricochet is a deflected shot, that hits the armor under a very steep angle. InWorld of Tanks case, if the AP or APCR (subcaliber) shell hits the armor underthe angle of 70 degrees or greater, the shell will automatically ricochet – itwill be deflected by the armor without doing any damage. For HEAT shells, theangle is 80 degrees. HE and HESH shells on the other hand do not ricochet atall. Ricochet check is performed when the shell hits the armor (normalizationis performed after ricochet check).


  Ricochethowever does never happen when the “three calibers rule” is applied. This rulesays that when the gun caliber (gun, not shell) is three times higher than thearmor thickness, ricochets do not happen (HEAT shells do not use this rulehowever). Furthermore, ricochets do not happen when external modules of thetank are hit (tracks, optics and gun).


  What is changed?


  Currently,two types of ricochets can happen. A shell can ricochet into a the tank (forexample in a shot trap) – if, after it ricochets, the shell trajectory aimsagain at the tank, the shell tries to achieve penetration yet again. If itfails, it disappears. If the shell ricochets off the tank altogether in firstplace, it disappears.


  In 9.3,after the first ricochet happens, the shell will continue on new trajectory inany case (it does not disappear regardless of where it flies). When thathappens, APCR and AP shells lose 25 percent from their base penetration value,HEAT shells keep the same penetration value. If the ricocheted shells (withreduced penetration) hits another vehicle, the hit will be calculated based onnormal game mechanics. Second such ricochet is not possible (if the shellricochets again, it disappears).


  Ricochetsof your shells, hitting an enemy and ricocheting off, damaging your teammate,will not be punished.


上一篇:让坦克再飞一会 坦克世界哈尔科夫地图bug 下一篇:9月17日你问我答 9.3霞飞经验补偿已确定


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

