坦克世界9月22日你问我答 新车库界面在9.3到来
2014-09-25 23:02来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
- there will be new extended tutorial (how consumables, equipment work etc.) – allegedly soon, as the developers were waiting for new hangar UI, that comes in 9.3 新的新手教程将会到来(包括使用给养和配件等)新车库界面将会在9.3到来。 - WoT Wiki will be promoted more “when it’s finished” 当WOT的维基百科全部完成时他会变得更加完善。 - it is currently not known, whether there will be more “cheap” tier 8 premiums (like Super Pershing is) 目前不知道是否会有更多的“便宜”八级金币车(就像超潘一样)。 - no further info on how how to get the gun barrel marks will be disclosed 关于炮管上的标识,没有更多息透露出来。 - T71 gold ammo price will not be changed T71的金币弹将不会涨价。 - it’s possible that the company mode will be cancelled altogether 联队模式会被完全取消这是有可能的。 - it’s possible there will be special CW missions 可能会有特殊的领土战任务。 - there will not be more Stronghold missions for now 现在将不会有更多要塞模式任务。 - T-34-3 will likely not be buffed (SS: oooops, but then Tuccy was never the most reliable of sources) T-34-3可能不会加强(SS:靠!但是从Tuccy来的消息向来是最不靠谱的。) - T-34-2, 113, SU-101 and Afk Panther “will be buffed if needed based on long term statistics” 基于长期的统计数据如果需要的话T-34-2, 113, SU-101和侦查豹将会被加强。 - mercenaries might come to CW, if the feature is successful in Stronghold 雇佣军如果在要塞模式中表现很好的话他将被引入领土战。 - WZ-132 advantage compared to the Russians: “better camo” 132比毛子车有更好的隐蔽。 - the fact that a tank loses armor when the model is remade to HD does not mean the tank will always be buffed to compensate 做成高清真的会挨锉刀。 [编辑:不详]