坦克世界10月9日你问我答 欧服前两周新车胜率公布
2014-10-10 23:50来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
-apparently, Belarusian dictator/president Lukashenko knows about WoT, hementioned it in recent “discussion” with teachers on teacher’s day (assomething the kids do on computer) 白俄罗斯总统卢卡申科似乎知道WOT,他在最近教师节和老师们的谈话中提到了游戏(背景是一群孩子在打电脑)。 - on EUserver, the results of the Type 62/KV-220 missions were: cca 15000 new Type62′s and less than 3000 new KV-220′s (thanks to IRSanchez for this tidbit) 欧服上62式/KV-220任务的完成情况是:新增了约15000部62式和少于3000部KV-220。 -developers are currently working on camo and spotting system overhaul to makescouts easier and TD’s harder to play 开发者们目前在重制隐蔽及点亮系统,使得侦察车的日子好过一些,而TD们就吔屎去吧。 - in thefollowing patch (or the one after that), last remnants of the original BigWorldengine code the game started with will be removed from WoT files and the gamewill then be basically using Wargaming’s very own engine 在接下来的版本中(1-2个),WOT最初使用Bigworld的引擎代码将会彻底从游戏文档中消失,之后这个游戏用的就是WG自主研发具有完全独立知识产权的引擎了。 - intotal, there are cca 300k clans all over the world in WoT (SS: previously, Iwrote 200k, but that was incorrect) 目前,全服大约有300000个战队(SS:之前我写错成了200000,抱歉)。 - inStrongholds, 15 different buildings are planned 要塞中计划有15种不同的建筑。 - apartfrom air recon, turrets, air raid and artillery fire mission, Strongholdconsumables will also include minefields and smokescreen. They will be usableby the clan leader using something called “tactical pad” 除开空中侦查,炮塔,空袭和炮兵火力支援意外,要塞模式的消耗品还会包括雷区和烟幕,它们将会由战队指挥通过“战术面板”来部署。 - for Kharkov map alone, over 6500 pieces of walls and 850 buildings have to be reworked under Havok 为了与Havok适应,就哈尔科夫这一张图都得有6500面墙和850栋建筑要被重制。 - WG doesnot actively work with militaries on promoting the game WG并没有为了推广游戏而与军方有积极的合作。 -Wargaming considered adding the option of configuring the vehicles in thehangar using the WG Assistant software via API, but this was scrapped for nowdue to insufficient API security WG考虑过用“WG助手”(API架构)显示车库中坦克的动态数据,但是由于API的安全系数不高而放弃。 On theinternal WG server, there is a file repository and one of the files, containedwithin, is the aimbot. The developers investigated it recently, but basically,what they think about it (a footnote in the file) is: “bannable, but almostuseless”. The reasons cited for this mod being useless are the chaotic aiming.They actually tested the mod in real battles and the testing report mentionsthat the aimbot is capable of targetting even obscured targets, it isinaccurate (doesn’t always aim for the weakspots), on higher speeds it won’thit anything and generally is no better than the autoaim (sometimes it aims atwrong places). 在WG的内部服务器上,有一个储存文件的地方,其中一个文件就是自动瞄准脚本。开发者们最近对它进行了调查,但是他们认为“是可以以此封一批人,但是基本上无用”。报告称这个mod没用的原因是混乱的瞄准方式。他们在实战中测试了这个mod,测试报告称自动瞄准的脚本优势会把一些奇怪的物体当作射击目标,准头非常拙计(也不总会自动去瞄弱点),在坦克高速前进的情况下可能什么都打不中。总体上看甚至还不如自动瞄准(这个mod有时瞄准的位置都是错误的)。 欧服前两周新车胜率 [编辑:不详]